

2019-09-10    09'47''

主播: 海绵MBA

164 2

What&`&s Your Brain Game? Do you watch the clock constantly, or does the bell surprise you at the end of class? Have you ever been accused of being too analytical or do people say you&`&re dreamy? 你是经常会看时间,还是上课结束时的钟声会吓你一跳?你是否曾被指责太注重分析或别人说你在做白日梦? These characteristics can be attributed to brain types. Typically, dominant left-brain students will be more organized, they&`&ll watch the clock, and they&`&ll analyze information and process it sequentially. 这些特征可以归因于大脑类型。通常,左脑占主导地位的学生会更有条理,他们会看时间,他们会分析信息并按顺序处理。 They are often cautious, and they follow rules and schedules. Left-brain students are strong in math and science, and can answer questions quickly. Left-brain students would make great Jeopardy contestants. 他们通常很谨慎,遵守规则和时间表。左脑学生数学和科学能力强,能快速回答问题。左脑学生会成为Jeopardy游戏优秀的参赛者。 On the other hand, right-brain students are the dreamers. They can be very intelligent and very deep thinkers—so much so that they can get lost in their own little worlds. They make great students of the social sciences and the arts. They are more spontaneous than the cautious left-brainers, and they are likely to follow their own gut feelings. 另一方面,右脑学生是梦想家。他们可以是非常聪明和非常深刻的思想家,以至于他们可以迷失在自己的小世界里。他们是社会科学和艺术的好学生。他们比谨慎的左脑学生更加的随性,而且他们很可能跟随自己的直觉。 Right-brainers are very intuitive and have great skill when it comes to seeing through lies or tricks. They would make great Survivor contestants. 右脑者直觉很强,并且在看穿谎言或诡计方面有很强的技巧。他们将成为优秀的Survivor参赛者。 What about people who are right in the middle? Everyone is different, and everyone has characteristics from both types. Some people are equal when it comes to characteristics. Those students are middle-brain oriented, and they might do well on The Apprentice. 对于那些处于中间的人是怎样的呢?每个人都是不同的,每个人都有这两种类型的特征。有些人在这些特征上是平等的。这些学生是以中脑为导向的,他们在会成为The Apprentice的优秀参赛者。 Students who are middle-brain oriented can have strong qualities from either hemisphere. Those students can benefit from logic from the left and intuition from the right. That sounds like a great recipe for success in business, doesn&`&t it? 以中脑为导向的学生可以拥有来自两个大脑半球的强大品质。这些学生可以从左逻辑和右直觉中获益。这听起来是一个商业上成功的秘诀,不是吗? 1. constantly adv. 始终; 一直; 重复不断地 Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。 2. be accused of 指责,责备;责怪;埋怨 3. analytical adj. 分析的;解析的;分析性的;(科学)分析的 She has a clear analytical mind. 她头脑清醒,善于分析。 4. characteristics n. 特征;特点;品质characteristic的复数 Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing. 基因决定每个生物的特征。 5. attributed v. [əˈtrɪbjuːtɪd] 把…归因于;认为…是由于;认为是…所为(或说、写、作) attribute的过去分词和过去式 The verb is pronounced /ə&`&trɪbjuːt/. The noun is pronounced /&`&ætrɪbjuːt/. 动词读作/ə&`&trɪbjuːt/,名词读作/&`&ætrɪbjuːt/。 n. 属性;性质;特征 6. dominant adj. 首要的;占支配地位的;占优势的;显著的;(基因)显性的,优势的 a dominant gene 显性基因 7. sequentially [səˈkwɛntʃəli] adj. 按次序的;顺序的;序列的 The pages are numbered sequentially. 页面按顺序标了页码。 8. hemisphere n. (地球的)半球;(尤指)北半球,南半球;(大脑的)半球;(球体的)半球