160628 经典文学《简·爱》 第94期

160628 经典文学《简·爱》 第94期

2016-06-28    02'11''

主播: Fred英语笔记

5869 348

A new chapter in a novel is something like a new scene in a play. 一部小说中新的一章,有些像一出戏中的新的一场。 And when I draw up the curtain this time, reader, 这回我拉开幕布的时候,读者, you must fancy you see a room in the George Inn at Millcote, with such large figured papering on the walls as inn rooms have. 你一定会想象,你看到的是米尔科特乔治旅店中的一个房间。这里同其他旅店的陈设相同,一样的大图案墙纸。 Such a carpet, such furniture, such ornaments on the mantelpiece, such prints, 一样的地毯,一样的家具,一样的壁炉摆设,一样的图片, including a portrait of George the Third, 其中一幅是乔治三世的肖像, and another of the Prince of Wales, and a representation of the death of Wolfe. 另一幅是威尔士亲王的肖像还有一幅画的是沃尔夫之死。 All this is visible to you by the light of an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling, 借着悬挂在天花板上的油灯和壁炉的熊熊火光, and by that of an excellent fire, near which I sit in my cloak and bonnet. 你可以看得见这一切。 经典文学《简·爱》 My muff and umbrella lie on the table, 我把皮手筒和伞放在桌上, and I am warming away the numbness and chill contracted by sixteen hours' exposure to the rawness of an October day. 披着斗篷戴着帽子坐在火炉旁,让自己在十月阴冷的天气里暴露了十六个小时、冻得了僵的身子暖和过来。 I left Lowton at four o' clock a. m. , and the Millcote town clock is now just striking eight. 我昨天下午四点离开洛顿,而这时米尔科特镇的时钟正敲响八点。 Reader, though I look comfortably accommodated, I am not very tranquil in my mind. 读者,我虽然看来安顿得舒舒服服,但内心却并不平静。 I thought when the coach stopped here there would be some one to meet me. 我以为车子一停就会有人来接我。 I looked anxiously round as I descended the wooden steps the "boots" placed for my convenience, 从脚夫为我方便而搭的木板上走下来时,我焦急地四顾, expecting to hear my name pronounced, and to see some description of carriage waiting to convey me to Thornfield. 盼着听到有人叫我的名字,希望看到有辆马车等候着把我送往桑菲尔德。 Nothing of the sort was visible. 然而却不见这类动静。 And when I asked a waiter if any one had been to inquire after a Miss Eyre, I was answered in the negative. 我问一位侍者是否有人来探问过一个爱小姐,得到的回答是没有。 So I had no resource but to request to be shown into a private room. 我无可奈何地请他们把我领到一间僻静的房间。 And here I am waiting, while all sorts of doubts and fears are troubling my thoughts. 一面等待着,一面疑窦丛生,愁肠百结,心里十分不安。 It is a very strange sensation to inexperienced youth to feel itself quite alone in the world, 对一位涉世未深的年轻人来说,一种奇怪的感受是体会到自己在世上孑然一身: cut adrift from every connection, uncertain whether the port to which it is bound can be reached, 一切联系已被割断,能否抵达目的港又无把握, and prevented by many impediments from returning to that it has quitted. 要返回出发点则障碍重重。 The charm of adventure sweetens that sensation, 冒险的魅力使这种感受愉快甜蜜, the glow of pride warms it, but then the throb of fear disturbs it. 自豪的激情使它温暖,但随后的恐惧又使之不安。 And fear with me became predominant when half-an-hour elapsed and still I was alone. 半小时过去,我依然孤单一人时,恐惧心理压倒了一切。 I bethought myself to ring the bell. 我决定去按铃。 "Is there a place in this neighbourhood called Thornfield?" "这里附近有没有个叫‘桑菲尔德’的地方,” I asked of the waiter who answered the summons. 我问应召而来的侍者。 Thornfield? I don't know, ma 'am. I'll inquire at the bar. 桑菲尔德?我不知道,小姐。让我到酒巴去打听一下吧。