【超级口语十分钟| Eat meal 吃饭】

【超级口语十分钟| Eat meal 吃饭】

2019-05-21    10'07''

主播: 超级学长

286 2

问题:Do you think people should eat every meal with their family? 高分回答:Obviously no. I think it’d be unrealistic to expect that we can eat every meal with our family. First of all, it’s impossible to have lunch with our family because of the busy work life that we have, since usually we only get a lunch break of about an hour at work or school. And aside from that, we also use eating as a way to socialize and build connections. It’s not uncommon to see people inviting their friends, coworkers, or even business partners to dinner so that they can improve their relationship with these people. And that’s pretty important because in today’s work environment, you don’t really work solo. A lot of times, you need to ask for favors from your colleagues in order to get the job done. And that’s why people need to sacrifice their family time so that they can build a strong social network to help them succeed at work. 重点词汇: unrealistic adj. 不现实的 connection n. 关系 solo adv. 独自 job n. 活儿 sacrifice n./v. 牺牲、舍弃、献祭 高分表达: lunch break 午休时间 not uncommon 并不少见 ask for favors 求人办事 social network 人际网 关注超级学长,更多雅思口语音频等你来听!