Week07 (上) 全英文,来听写呀!

Week07 (上) 全英文,来听写呀!

2017-11-01    11'10''

主播: 布莱恩教育

3731 107

Audrey老师近全英的讲解,来挑战一下吧! 可以适当暂停跟着Audrey老师的节奏进行听写。 1. Where did you learn that? 你从哪学的? 2. Are you getting homesick? 你想家了吗? 3. You're more than welcome here. 非常欢迎你光临。 4. Miss Lance speaks for all of us. Lance小姐代表我们发言。 5. She is the proper person to lead us. 她是适合领导我们的人。 6. You are gonna have to be a bit more specific. 你得说得再具体一点。 1. So far, so good. 到目前为止还不错。 2. I believe this belongs to you. 我想这个是属于你的。 3. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. 那可是我听过最疯狂的事情了。 4. Sorry to contact you like this, Captain Hunter. 抱歉用这种方式联系你, Hunter 船长。 5. Do or do not, there is no try. 要么去做,要么放手,没有尝试一说。 6. All I ever wanted to be was a soldier, like you. 我只想跟你一样当个军人。