

2014-09-30    04'06''

主播: A Box Of Cats

780 62

注:带括号的都是其他角色的台词,不一定是谁,who cares... Yonder comes news. (A wager they will yield.) My horse to yours, no ('tis done.) Agreed. (Say, will the town surrender to our general?) (The city rams its gates up against the world.) So, the good horse is mine. (I'll buy him of you.) No, I'll nor sell nor give him. Lend you him I will, for half a hundred years. (Ready the men.) Now, Mars, I prithee, make me quick in work, set me directly against Aufidius. Now put your shields before your hearts, and fight with hearts more proof than shields. Advance, my fellows! He that retires, I'll take him for a Volsce, and he shall feel mine edge. All the contagion of the south light on you, you shames of Rome! You herd of biles and plagues plaster you o'er, you souls for geese that bear the shapes of men. How have you run from slaves that apes would beat. Pluto and hell! All hurt behind: backs red and faces pale with flight and agued fear. Mend and charge home, or by the fires of heaven I'll leave the foe and make my wars on you. Look to it! ------ So now the gates are ope, now prove good seconds. (Flower of warriors! Worthy sir, thou bleedest!) (Thy exercise hath been too violent for a secod course of light.) Sir, praise me not, my work hath yet not warmed me. The blood I drop is more physical rather than dangerous to me. To Aufidius thus will I appear and fight. (Though I could wish you were conducted to a gentle bath and balms applied to you yet dare I never deny your asking.) If any such be here, as it were sin to boubt, that love this painting wherein you see me smeared; if any fear lesser his person than an ill report; if any think brave death outweighs bad life and that his country's dearer than himself; let him alone, or so many so minded, wave thus to express his disposition, and follow Martius. O, me alone! Make you a sword of me~~~ If these shows be not outward, which of you but is four Volsces? None of you but is able to bear against the great Aufidius a shield as hard as his. (Come on, my fellows. Make good this ostentation, and you shall divide in all with us.) I'll fight with none but thee, for I do hate thee worse than a promise-breaker. (We hate alike. Not Afric owns a serpent I abhor more than thy fame and envy. Fix thy foot.) Let the first budger die the other's slave, and the gods doom him sfter. (If I fly, Martius, hollow me like a hare.) Within these three hours, Tullus, alone I fought in your Corioles walls, and made what work I pleased. 'Tis not my blood wherein thou seest me masked. For thy revenge wrench up thy power to the highest. (Wert thou Hector, thou shouldst not scape me here.) (Officious, and not valiant, you have shamed me in your condemned seconds)