

2023-09-11    04'54''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Well, we did our good deed for the day. 【ModernFamilyS3E15】 【发音】/wel/ /wiː/ /dɪd/ /aʊə(r)/ /gʊd/ /diːd/ /fə(r)/ /ðə/ /deɪ/ 【发音技巧】did our连读;good deed失去爆破;deed for不完全爆破; 【翻译】我们今天的日行一善完成了。 【适用场合】 今天学习一个短语:(one’s) good deed for the day, “每天做的一件好事”; some especially good, kind, or generous thing one has done 有些人会对自己有“日行一善”这样的要求,下面一起来看看这个短语怎么用。 eg: I took Sarah's children to school so I've done my good deed for the day. 我把莎拉的孩子送去学校了,所以我已经完成了今天的日行一善。 eg: Wow, so you went all the way across town to deliver the missing wallet to its owner? That's your good deed for the day! 哇,所以你是穿越了大半个城镇,就为了把这个丢失的钱包物归原主?那可真是你今天做的一件大好事。/你把你的每日一善已经完成了! eg: OK, you helped an old lady cross the street—that's your good deed for the day. 好的,你帮了一位老太太过了马路,那你今日善事已经完成了。 eg: Why don’t you do your good deed for the day and cook me dinner? 你为什么不日行一善,给我做顿晚饭? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 It's like the guy thought he was doing his good deed for the day by pointing out my mistake to me.