

2024-03-28    06'28''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Fact -- I blew it. 【Modern Family S3E16】 【发音】/fækt/ /aɪ/ /bluː/ /ɪt/ 【发音技巧】fact 失去爆破;blew it连读; 【翻译】事实是,我搞砸了。 【适用场合】 今天视频中,我们要来学习的短语是:blow it; 一般来说,这个短语可以用来指:“毁了某个东西;错误地处理了某个事情;没能抓住某个机会”; to ruin, mishandle, or fail to capitalize on an opportunity 如果是错过机会的话,也可以说blow the chance或者blow the chances; eg: You had your chance and you blew it. 你曾经有过机会,但你没把握住。 eg: She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview. 她面试迟到了,浪费了机会。 eg: Bob was being considered for the promotion, but he blew it when he came in late to work each day this week. 领导原本考虑提拔鲍勃,但是他这个星期每天上班都迟到,彻底毁了这次机会。 eg: Things were going well with Steve, but I blew it by smothering him. 史蒂夫本来一直都挺好的,但是我太溺爱他了,毁了他的发展。 eg: That was a great opportunity, but now I've blown it. 那原本是个很好的机会,但是我却浪费了。 在口语中blow it还有“把钱挥霍一空”的用法; If you blow a large amount of money, you spend it quickly on luxuries. eg: He inherited over a million dollars and blew it all on drink and gambling. 他继承了超过一百万美元的遗产,却全挥霍在了喝酒和赌博上。 eg: When I first got paid I blew it all on a night out. 我第一次发工资,一晚上出去全挥霍掉了。 英式口语中,blow it还有别的用法,可以表达“愤怒、惊讶或者不予理会”的情绪; It is used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about sth. eg: Blow it! We've missed the bus. 真烦人!我们错过了那趟公交车。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 你原本能成功的,但你却浪费了那次绝佳的机会。