

2020-08-05    06'19''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3000 17

【句子】I know for a fact that patient zero was another little boy. 【Desperate Housewives-S1E16】 【发音】[aɪ] [nəʊ] [fɔ:(r)] [ə] [fækt] [ðæt] [ˈpeɪ.ʃənt] [ˈzɪə.rəʊ] [wɒz]/[wɑ:z] [əˈnʌð.ə(r)] [ˈlɪt.l] [bɔɪ] 【发音技巧】for a连读;fact完全失去爆破;that patient zero完全失去爆破+不完全失去爆破;was another连读;little美音浊化; 【翻译】我很确信,传染源是另外一个小男孩。 【适用场合】 know for a fact 很确信某事是真的 If you say that you know something for a fact, you are emphasizing that you are completely certain that it is true. 其实就相当于I am certain. eg: I know for a fact that she's involved in something illegal. 我确信她肯定做了什么非法的勾当。 eg: I know for a fact that he is the one who did it. 我能肯定就是他干的! patient zero 零号病人 第一个患上病的病人 1. The first person to exhibit symptoms of an illness. eg: My daughter was patient zero, the only one with a cold last week—now, she's very generously given it to the rest of the family. 我女儿是家里第一个感冒的,上周就她一个人感冒了。现在,家里其他人都被她传染上了。 2. By extension, the first case or person demonstrating a particular issue or problem. 引申为:第一个表现出来某个特定问题/第一个碰到某个麻烦的人/事 eg: This guy is patient zero for the crashing issue in the app, so let me see what he said in his original email. 这个人是第一个反馈app崩溃的用户,让我看看他一开始的邮件里是怎么说的。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I know for a fact that he cheats in cards! I saw the ace up his sleeve.