

2020-08-06    03'57''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

3117 14

【句子】Tammy Brennan went all out. 【Desperate Housewives-S1E16】 【发音】[ˈtæmi] [ˈbrenən] [went] [ɔ:l]/[ɑ:l] [aʊt] 【发音技巧】went all连读; 【翻译】Tammy Brennan下了血本。 【适用场合】 这里我们主要讲解一下go all out这个表达,从上下文对话中也可以猜出 这个短语指的是花费了所有的精力、金钱、资源等等。 to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing: eg: You'll be going against a state champion in the next match, so you'll have to go all out if you want to beat her! 下一场比赛当中你将会和州冠军对决,所以如果你想赢,你得拼尽全力了。 eg: We went all out and it wasn’t appreciated at all. 我们拼尽了全力,客户却并不领情。 eg: I had to go all out to limit my losses. 我不得不拼尽全力尽量控制损失。 eg: We knew that only one of the firms would get the order for computers, so we went all out to get the contract. 我们之前就知道这些公司中只有一家能够拿到这次电脑采购订单,所以我们拼尽全力想要去争取。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 她的公司,总是倾尽全力令客户们开心。