

2021-06-30    07'34''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

182 1

【句子】We can leave this whole mess behind. We can start over. 【Desperate Housewives S1E20】 【发音】/wiː/ /kæn/ /liːv/ /ðɪs/ /həʊl/ /mes/ /bɪˈhaɪnd/ /wiː/ /kæn/ /stɑː(r)t/ /ˈəʊ.və(r)/ 【发音技巧】start over连读; 【翻译】我们可以远离这一切纷乱,我们可以重新开始。 【适用场合】 今天的台词中,我们学习一个表达,叫做leave sth./sb. behind 最基础的意思是: 1.“离开某地的时候,把某物/某人留在身后” to depart (from some place) without bringing someone or something eg: We decided to leave the kids behind when we go to Paris this spring so we can have a bit of time to ourselves. 我们决定今年春天去巴黎的时候,不带孩子们去,这样我们就可以有点自己的时间了。 eg: I can't believe I left my passport behind! I hope they still let me on the plane. 简直不敢相信!我把我的护照忘记带了!我希望他们还能让我上飞机。 我们再来看看这个短语的其他意思: 2. to abandon or forsake someone or something 抛弃某人或者某物 eg: I can’t believe he left his family behind to pursue a career in acting. 我简直不敢相信他抛弃了他的家庭去追求演艺事业。 3. to put an increasing amount of distance between oneself and someone or something else把自己和其他某个东西或者某个人逐渐拉开距离、差距 eg: She left the other racers behind after the second lap. 在第二圈之后,她把其他赛跑的人甩在了身后。 eg: We left the city behind us as we drove away. 我们驾车离开的时候,离城市越来越远。 eg: The tech giant has totally left behind its competition in the mobile phone market. 这家科技巨头公司已经在手机的市场上把竞争对手远远甩在了身后。 4. to deliberately forget something, especially something from your past 故意遗忘某件事,尤其是你过往经历的一些事 eg: She wants to leave her old life behind when she moves to Europe next fall. 她想要明年秋天搬去欧洲,跟以前的生活做个了断。 eg: I understand your decision to move abroad, but just don't leave your friends and family behind. 我理解你这个搬去国外的决定,但是别忘了你的家人和朋友啊。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 直到回家路上走到半路,她才反应过来,自己的钱包忘带了。