

2023-04-02    03'20''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1157 9

原创内容,请勿转发 声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix 孟叔说 世间所有的情意都是流动和相互的 我赠你三月春光,你予我四月桃花 人和人之间就要 你来我往,互相珍视,彼此成就 只有这样,任何关系才能走的更长久 In any relationship, the currency of exchange is the heart. No matter how long or short the duration of the relationship, the value of it always depends on the authenticity of the emotions being shared. 在任何一段关系中,交换的都是彼此的真心。无论关系持续的时间长短,其价值始终取决于情感的本真。 True relationships are built on the foundation of honesty, trust, and mutual respect. It takes courage to open up your heart to another person, and it's also one of the most rewarding experiences in life. When you share your true feelings with someone, you're giving them the opportunity to see the real you and accept you for who you are. 真正的关系建立在诚实、信任和相互尊重的基础上。敞开心扉向他人展示真实的自我需要勇气,但这也是生活中最有价值的过程之一。当你与别人分享真正的感受时, 你给予了他们看到真实的你,并接受你的机会。 It's important to remember that relationships are a two-way street. Just as you're opening up your heart to someone, you should also be willing to accept their emotions with open arms. It's not always easy to understand or agree with someone else's perspective, but it's essential to listen and try to understand where they're coming from. By doing so, you're showing that you respect and value their feelings. 记住,关系是双向的。正如你向某人敞开心扉一样,你也应该愿意张开双臂接受他们的情感。理解或赞同别人的观点并不总是容易的,但是倾听并试图理解他们的立场至关重要。这样做,你正在表达出你尊重并珍视他们的感受。 However, not all relationships are meant to last forever. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, relationships may come to an end. While this can be a painful experience, it's important to remember that not all endings are bad. It's better to end a relationship on good terms than to drag it out and cause unnecessary pain and suffering. 然而,并不是所有的关系都注定要永远持续下去。有时候,尽管你尽了最大的努力,关系可能依然会结束。虽然这可能是一种痛苦的经历,但要记住,并非所有的结束都是坏事。以和好的方式结束一段关系,要比煎熬或无谓的拖延着那段感情更好。 When you lead with your heart, you can create meaningful and lasting connections with the people in your life. 当你用心去经营,你可以与他人建立更有意义和也更长久的陪伴。 往后余生不论遇到谁 都记得像织毛衣一样 双方一针一线的用心经营你们的情意 让彼此越来越好 才是面对漫长人生时 平淡且幸福的意 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix picture by: Sabina Kallari BGM:1.Pam_dinosaur - Sea(海) 2.Sophis - 阵雨