

2023-03-03    15'09''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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《小酒馆·大世界》-世界各处的文化和精彩,在小酒馆触手可得哦~ 欢迎关注公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,可以查看更多精彩内容,查看英语全文稿哦~ I have to say Onsen ( 温泉)... not a similar experience, but my first time in an Onsen hotel, what I didn't know was they asked me and my friend when we wanted to have breakfast, so when we checked in, it was late at night, they asked us when do you want to have breakfast? I thought it was just a general question, you know, like when you stay in a hotel, they remind you, Ok, our breakfast is only available from 7 to 10 that sort of thing. I was exhausted so I said eight, eight thirty, nine, and then I later on realized it wasn't like a buffet breakfast. They actually set the table for you in a big banquet room kind of thing, and they put your name, put your name tag on this big table where they put all of the food there. But then the following morning I was so exhausted, both me and my friend, we didn't wake up; and when they knocked on our door and say, for example, Lulu Sama ( ), like you expect, like when are you gonna come for breakfast, breakfast is ready. So I just like go away I'm still sleeping. No, I was not that rude, I was just saying sorry, I don't think we'll be having breakfast. The following morning after that, we found out that the breakfast was served in that way. We felt so embarrassed because they must have set the table and then we said no worries, we're not going. I have had that experience at a hotel in Fuji before. Most of the hotels I stay at are a little bit cheaper, so they don't usually have breakfast in the morning, but when I go to Mount Fuji like I usually stay at a little bit nicer hotel, so they do have that and I have had that experience before as well. Yeah, I mean, these are the interesting or bizarre experiences we have when we're traveling, right? Because it's completely different from your idea of common knowledge, common or common sense. What about the size of things? Because many people, especially if they're from Europe or North America, they're a bit taller. So they complain or not complain, but they observe that everything is a bit too low for them, like the shower head is too low or the bathtub is too tiny. What about your experience? I have had an issue with the shower head before, but it's usually not a problem, usually the shower head is high enough. I think the size of the food though sometimes can be a bit small. I do like that in restaurants in Japan though you can oftentimes get like a lot of side dishes. And so if you're still hungry, or you know, if you're gonna be a little bit hungrier, you can order a few more extra dishes. But sometimes they do have really big food in Japan and that's something I kind of, I see like normal dishes are really small but then you go to some places and they have like the mega dish and you're like what? Yeah and they also like mega dish show, sort of like reality show where very skinny people going around eating mega dishes. Like it's just so contradictory, you go into a restaurant, you have this tiny little bowl, you can just fit in the palm of your hand and then you go to the next place and they just have something it's just like... I couldn't even finish that. 10kg of meat in one dish. Because Japan is, they also rank very high in extreme eating worldwide I think. Yeah, they do have the all you can, like Viking buffets, but usually there's a time limit. So that's something I find kind of interesting. In the US there's no time limit on buffets. In Japan they usually have like a 90 minute or 2-hour time limit. So they don't go bankrupt. I think it makes total sense. You're talking about like Tabehoudai (餐食无限量) or Nomihoudai (饮品无限量) 就是所谓的“放题”, 写出来汉字是放题, 也就是all you can eat, all you can drink, that sort of thing. They do set a time limit. So if you ever go to Japan, that's something to keep in mind. Actually that brings us to the topic of food. What do you think of Japanese food or Japanese diet? You talked about food portions and all these ordering of ...