

2023-08-17    09'05''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ So far we've talked about formal and smart casual; when it comes to casual, it’s pretty much whatever you wear, right? Yeah. Casual means that you can start wearing things like trainers, jeans, T-shirts. These are fine for casual events such as going to the pub or just going out. But you wouldn't really wear this when you’re going for dinner or you wouldn't wear this when you’re going to theater for example. Hang on a minute. You cannot wear trainers or sneakers. 就不能穿这种运动鞋去正式的晚餐或者说去看戏. Some clubs and some places in the UK they would actually ban people from wearing trainers. What do they have against trainers. Well, because it's seen as too casual. I think the rules are changing as well. They are changing, but there are a lot of dress codes or a lot of places that still have dress code, they would actually say no trainers. To be completely honest, I mean we can talk about that for a little bit in the end. But my experience in London, there are still many places that would really require a dress code. Yeah, and I would say kind of if you do go to a restaurant or go for dinner, you should be looking for smart casual. Yeah, smart casual is very safe because you also don't want to overdressed to the point that people think you just went to a baptism or wedding. Exactly. But I have to say in English you say dress up and dress down, right? Dress down means dress more casually, dress up means you are more dolled up. You are more sort of formally dressed. But I always want to dress up rather than dressed down because when you're under-dressed, when you're too casual for the venue, for this scenario, you are gonna feel very uncomfortable. Yeah. I would still say in the UK we are quite conservative when it comes to what we wear. And for example, it’s like trainers, generally I only wear trainers when I'm working out. Oh, trainers are supposed to be sportswear. Yeah, so when I go for runs or if I go for like long walks, then I wear trainers. But if I'm going out anywhere else, I would always wear shoes. Talk about casual, in the very beginning we mentioned there is a layer even more casual than casual called loungewear, 这个就是我们意义上的什么家居服. Loungewear is basically what you wear at home, i.e. what you wear in the lounge, so loungewear would include things like pajamas, but also things like sweat pants or joggers. 就是那种松垮那种运动裤对吧? Yeah, so you would wear jogging bottoms, maybe a T-shirt. Women might wear leggings and people would wear these if at home, but they would also wear them if they're working out or going very quickly to the shops for example. Nearby shops.