[图片]Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi, 安澜.
Hi, Lulu, hi, everyone.
Can I propose a topic today?
Don't worry, it's nothing weird.
Are you sure?
I'm pretty sure. Okay.
Lately also on Chinesesocial media, you see a lot of articles about your Princess of Wales, Kate,because there was a lot of gossip and discussion about how she is recovering from cancer and she hasn't really had any public appearance.
She finally appeared for the first time in months at a very important ceremony apparently called...was it something color?
The Trooping of the Color.
The Trooping of the Color, troop as in army, military? Yeah. 中文里我看到过有很多不一样的翻译版本, 有人把它翻译成什么彩旗飘扬, 彩旗游行, 或者只要按这个意思说是皇家阅兵式.
Yes, it's a very unique ceremony. I don't think it happens in many countries. I'm not sure if anyone does know, please correct me.
It's very ceremonial. It is.
The Troop of the Color marksthe official birthday of the Britishsovereign.
So like the British Kingor Queen, 这个皇室的要不是国王, 要不是女王的official birthday, 官方生日.
So that's not their real birthday?
The Kingor Queenhas two birthdays, their real one and their official birthday in June.
Why in June,for any special reasons?
Mainly because of the weather.
I can understand. 我们之前聊英国的天气的时候, 就说特别是伦敦, 基本上你唯一能保证天气比较好, 也就是6月后半段7月前半段这个时候.
So no matter what the weather is like, the ceremony still goes ahead.
So the last Trooping of the Colour last week was actually done in pouring rain. It was really really heavy rain in Londonbut they still carry on the ceremony. They just get wet.
Even in June? Even in June.
So no matter what their real birthdays or when their real birthdays are or were, they always had the same official birthday?
It's normally a Saturday in June.
So it’s not a set date?
It’s not a set date. I see.
It looks like a pretty traditional historical ceremony. It is.
It dates back to the 18th century. So the color or colors refer to the regiments’flag.
Regiments, what does that mean?
A regiment is a unit of soldiers.
Like, for example, infantry?
Yeah, so you have an infantry regiment, you have...
Navy, you can't,navy doesn't really have regiments because you have a ship.
Ok. 这是不是有点兵团那个概念?It is. 什么团步兵团这样.
So everybody has it’s own name. For example, the regiments that take part in Trooping of the Color are the King's own personal regiments.
He's guards.
I'm getting really confused. So not your military force?
Okay,this is why it gets a bit confusing.
You said the King's own military force.