

2020-04-24    02'27''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

217 1

我确定我再也不喜欢Bryce Loski了。 作品|电影《怦然心动》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《Flipped》 I wasn’t too thrilled about dinner with the Loskis. 要跟Loski一家人吃饭,我并没有很兴奋。 But I could see it meant a lot to my mother. 但我看得出来这对我妈妈来说意义重大。 At school the next day, I couldn’t seem to concentrate. 隔天到了学校,我没办法专心。 My thoughts kept running back to Daniel. 我不断想起Daniel。 I wondered what my grandparents had gone through having a son like him when reality interrupted. 我在想爷爷奶奶有他这样的儿子会多辛苦,现实却打断了我的思绪。 And it was. 的确是。 Because now my confusion was gone. 因为现在我的疑虑都消失了。 I was sure I no longer liked Bryce Loski. 我确定我再也不喜欢Bryce Loski了。