

2017-03-31    02'35''

主播: 英语小小孩

18 1

Geologists claim to have discovered a new continent to the east of Australia: Zealandia. At 4.9 million square kilometres of land mass, 94 percent of which is under water, Zealandia would be the world's smallest continent. 地质学家声称,在澳洲以东发现了一块新大陆:西兰洲。西兰洲的陆地面积为490万平方公里,其中94%都浸没在水中,是世界上面积最小的大陆。 The 11 scientists behind the claim presented their findings in the study "Zealandia: Earth's Hidden Continent" in Geological Society of America, making a case for Zealandia to be recognised as the world's eighth continent in its own right. 提出新大陆说法的11位科学家在美国地质学会上发表了这一研究报告:《西兰洲:地球上隐藏的大陆》,他们请求将西兰洲认定为世界第八大洲。 According to their study, the land mass comprises all the four attributes needed to be considered a continent, including the presence of different rock types and crucially "the high elevation relative to regions floored by oceanic crust." 根据他们的研究,这块陆地具备了成为大洲所需的四个要素,包括岩石类型多样化,关键在于它“相比那些基于海洋地壳的地区海拔要高”。