

2020-03-03    16'59''

主播: Miko^_^

423 4

S01E05 You seem well prepared. 看起来你准备得不错。 They’ll add a few more flowers before we open in the morning, but I think we’re nearly there. 明早开展之前还要加几盆花,但我觉得这就差不多了。 Do look at Mr Molesley’s display. He worked so hard. 来看看莫斯利先生展示的花,他费了很大心血。 They are rather marvelous, aren’t they? 看这些花长的多美,是不是。 Lovely. Well done, Mr Molesley. 真漂亮,真不错,莫斯利先生。 Thank you, my Lady. 多谢夸奖,小姐。 I think everyone is to be congratulated. It’s splendid. 我觉得大家的成就都值得庆祝。真是姹紫嫣红。 But do look at these roses. Have you ever seen the like? 可你看看这些玫瑰,还见过比这更美的吗? My dear, Mrs Crawley believes I am profiting from an unfair advantage. 亲爱的,卡劳利太太认定了我是踩了高跷,占了便宜的。 Oh? 怎么讲? She feels, in the past, I have been given the cup merely as a matter of routine rather than merit. 她认为在之前,我一直得冠军是出于惯例而非真正的奖励。 That’s rather ungallant, Mother. 这么说有失风度吧,妈妈。 I’m sure when we see Cousin Violet’s roses, it will be hard to think they could be bettered. 我相信老夫人的玫瑰花展示出来的时候,也会很难被超越的。 Hard. But not impossible. 难归难,不是不可能。 You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement whatever you look. 不论什么事情你都很难看到进步的余地。这本事真令人称奇。 I never knew such reforming zeal. 我从来没见过如此热衷于改革的人。 I take that as a compliment. 我全当您在夸我了。 I must have said it wrong. 那我肯定措辞不当。 Poor Granny. She’s not used to being challenged. 可怜的奶奶,她不习惯被认顶撞。 Nor is my mother. I think we should let them settle it between them. 我母亲也一样。我觉得我们应该坐山观虎斗。 So are you interested in flowers? 你对花草感兴趣吗? I’m interested in the village. In fact, I’m on my way to inspect the cottages. 我对村子的事都感兴趣。事实上,我正要去查看村舍。 You know what all work and no play did for Jack. 你懂的什么叫劳逸结合吗? But you think I’m a dull boy anyway. Don’t you? 反正你都把我看成是无趣之人,不是吗? I play too. I’m coming up for dinner tonight. 我也会找乐子,今晚我会去赴宴。 I suspect I’m there to balance the numbers. Is it in aid of anything? 我想我是被邀请去凑人数的。是有什么事吗? Not that I know of. Just a couple of dreary neighbors, that’s all. 没什么大事。就是请几个乏味的邻居罢了,仅此而已。 Maybe I’ll shine by comparison. 或许和他们一比我风趣多了。 Mary, we are going. Mary,我们要走了。 Maybe you will. 也许是吧。