

2017-05-11    05'46''

主播: Elaine娴

1797 23

口语相关表达   what are we gonna do if + 句子 如果……我们将会怎么办? What are we gonna do if we can’t catch the flight? 如果我们没赶上这个航班,我们将会怎么办? Maybe we need a backup plan. 或许我们需要一个后备计划   give sb a ride 让某人搭便车 It’s getting late, can you give me a ride? 天色晚了,我能搭一下你的便车吗?   that’s the problem with sth 那就是……的问题所在 He doesn’t know what I think and what I need. 他不知道我在想什么和我需要什么 Well, maybe that’s the problem with this relationship. 或者这就是你们这段感情的问题所在   Could sth get any better? 某事、某物还可以再更好一点吗? Free hot cocoa, could this day get any better? 免费的热可可茶,今天还能够再幸福点吗?   That’s why +句子 那就是……的原因 I just can’t keep working out every day, it’s so hard for me. 我就是无法坚持每天锻炼身体,这对我来说太困难了 Well, maybe that’s why not every one can keep fit. 或许这就是为什么不是每个人都能保持身材的原因吧   I have every confidence in you! 我对你很有信心 Don’t worry, just try your best, I have every confidence in you! 别担心,尽力而为,我对你很有信心   head back to +地点 赶回…… head back home 回家 I’m heading back to school, because I left my book in the classroom. 我正赶回学校,因为我把我的书落在学校了   For what? 为了什么呢?干什么用的? I bought a new oven for you. 我给你买了一个新烤箱 for what? 干什么用的啊? It seems you are interested in cooking, I think you will like it. 感觉你对烹饪很有兴趣呀,我觉得你会喜欢的   way to go 干得好 I just got an offer from a top company. 我刚收到一家顶级公司的录取通知 Way to go, congratulations to you 干得好,恭喜你啊   spread one’s wings 展翅飞翔 It’s time to spread your wings and go for what you want. 是时候展翅飞翔,去追求你想要的一切了