

2017-08-25    04'45''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! You’re making small mistakes 你犯了小失误 Did you proofread that business report and find a small typo? When we work too much, our brains just kind of stop paying the amount of attention that they’re supposed to. The result are small errors that you make everywhere that you normally wouldn’t make. It could happen to anyone too. Did you make a silly mistake editing a video? Everyone gets overworked and small mistakes can happen anywhere. If they’re happening to you, it’s time to take a break. 你校对企业报告,并找到一个小错字?当我们的工作太多了,我们的大脑只是停止关注他们应该关注的事。其结果是,你让你通常不会犯的小失误无处不在。它可以发生在任何人身上。你有没有犯了一个愚蠢的错误在编辑视频时?每个人都有过度劳累的时候,小错误可能发生在任何地方。如果他们发生在你身上,是时候休息一下了。 You feel overwhelmed 你感到不知所措 Have you gone into work, sat down, looked at your to-do list, and just want to start crying? We’ve all been there. Being overwhelmed is a common sign that it’s time to take a break from the job and go find a beach with an abundance of fruity drinks. Even if it’s a relatively normal day and you still feel overwhelmed, it’s time for a vacation. 你已经进入了工作,坐了下来,看着你的待办事项列表,只是想开始哭?我们都在那里。不知所措是一种常见的标志,它提醒你是时候停止工作休息一下,去找一个有丰盈果味饮料的海滩休息一下。即使它正常工作日,你仍然感到不知所措,是时候度假了。 You’re tired all the time 你总是很累 If just walking into the building brings about the sudden and irrepressible urge to go nap in a closet somewhere, then you’ve had just about enough. When you have been working too long without a break, you start walking in every day in a haze of exhaustion. This is also a cause for things like the small mistakes we talked about earlier. A well rested worker is a happy worker and that means you need some rest. 如果刚走进大楼却有突发性和抑制不住想去壁橱里的某个地方午睡的冲动,那么你已经差不多累了。当你已经工作太长时间没有休息,你开始每天走在疲惫的阴霾。这也是我们之前说到的小错误,我们前面谈到的一个原因。一个良好休息的工人是一个快乐的工作者,这意味着你需要一些休息。 You’re irritable 你烦躁 There comes a point where even the usual actions of your coworkers start to tick you off. The thought of the daily grind makes you roll your eyes in derision and you’re in a bad mood before anything even happens to you. If that sounds like you, it’s time to put in a request for those vacation hours. 有那么一刻,你的同事平时的行动开始扰乱你。每天折磨的想法让你滚动你的眼睛在嘲笑和你在心情不好的事情发生之前,甚至现在发生在你身上。如果这听起来像你,是时候申请休假了。 You suffer from insomnia 你失眠 Between the stress of the job, being irritable, and thinking about all those mistakes, you’re likely pretty stressed out. This can lead to sleepless nights, nights of tossing and turning, and trouble falling asleep. This can lead to literally everything we’ve already discussed because a good night’s rest is essential to the every day worker. If you’re so out of sorts that you can’t even sleep it off, call up HR and see when you can go to Cancun. 工作的压力,急躁,并想到那些错误,你很可能会相当紧张了。这可能会导致夜不能寐,辗转反侧,和烦恼入睡。这会导致我们已经讨论过的所有的一切发生,因为对于工人来说一个良好的夜间休息是必不可少的。如果你这么不舒服,你甚至不能入睡,打电话人力资源和看看你什么时候可以去坎昆。 今日跟读金句 Everyone gets overworked and small mistakes can happen anywhere. If they’re happening to you, it’s time to take a break. 每个人都有过度劳累的时候,小错误可能发生在任何地方。如果他们发生在你身上,是时候休息一下了。 Being overwhelmed is a common sign that it’s time to take a break from the job and go find a beach with an abundance of fruity drinks. 不知所措是一种常见的标志,它提醒你是时候停止工作休息一下,去找一个有丰盈果味饮料的海滩休息一下。 A well rested worker is a happy worker and that means you need some rest. 一个良好休息的工人是一个快乐的工作者,这意味着你需要一些休息。