最美的爱情 就是应该真诚简单

最美的爱情 就是应该真诚简单

2017-11-22    05'24''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 有时候,喜欢一个人根本控制不住自己,哪怕在马路上看到一颗树形状很奇怪,都第一时间想要跟你讲。最美的爱情,就是这样真诚简单。 The first date 第一次约会 Man: “Sorry, I’m late.” 不好意思,我迟到了。 Woman: “I’ve waited 20 years to meet you. Just 10 minutes would be okay.” 我等了二十年才遇见你。所以等这10分钟也没什么。 A smile is a beautiful gift 微笑是最美好的礼物 Both to receive and give 彼此收到,彼此给出 Man: “You've got a very beautiful smile.” 你的笑容好美。 Woman: “I got it from you.” 我从你那收到的。 The best words about love 关于爱最好的对白 My girlfriend is like Google. 我的女票就像Google。 Because she knows everything? 因为她什么都知道? No. Because she has everything I’m searching for. 不。因为我想找寻的都在她那里。 True love is giving him the last slice 真爱就是把最后一块披萨让给他 You know how much I love pizza. But I will give you the last slice. That’s how much you meant to me. 你知道我有多喜欢吃披萨,但是最后一块还是让给你。你对于我来说是如此重要。 When you shine brighter than the stars 你比星光更璀璨 That's the power of love 这就是爱的魔力 The sky is full of stars, but I’d still stare at you. 满天星辰,可我只看你。 Wear me! 穿我呀! She looks good on you. 你穿上她很好看哦。 Man: ”What should I wear?” 我穿哪件好看? Woman: “Wear me!” 穿我呀! Man: “Wear.... you?!” 穿你?! This one is worth trying 这件事值得尝试 “Babe. Come koala me!” 亲爱的,来给我一个熊抱。 Boyfriend material 优质男票牌围巾 Woman: “Ah.. chooo!!! ” 啊切!! Man: ”Here. Take my scarf.” 来,围我的围巾。 Woman: “This scarf is so nice!” 这个围巾很舒适哦。 Man: “Sure. It’s made of boyfriend material.” 当然了。这是优质男票牌围巾 It's never too early to see your face. 能越早看到你越好 Woman: “Am I too early?” 我是不是太早啦? Man: It’s never too early to see your face. 能越早看到你越好。 Unique couple outfit 独一无二的情侣装 Woman: ”Babe, I wanna wear couple outfit!” 亲爱的,人家想穿情侣装! Man: But we don’t have any couple outfit. 可是我们没有呀。 Woman: We have one now! 现在有了! 今日跟读金句 I’ve waited 20 years to meet you. Just 10 minutes would be okay. 我等了二十年才遇见你。所以等这10分钟也没什么。 You know how much I love pizza. But I will give you the last slice. 你知道我有多喜欢吃披萨,但是最后一块还是让给你。 The sky is full of stars, but I’d still stare at you. 满天星辰,可我只看你。