

2015-10-29    21'09''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1033 256

第一步,读题,认真读题, 5-10秒。 Describe something important you once forgot to do. Describe someone you know who always travels by plane. Describe an environmental law you would like to see in the future. 第二步:选材, 5-10秒。 什么样地素材算是好素材:首先,应该是你熟悉的人事物;第二,不应该是一个太simple的素材;第三,在讨论这个素材时最好能加入你的个人感受。 第三步:take notes,30-50秒。 Describe a foreign country you would like to visit for the first time. You should say: which country it is; how you got to know this country; what you know about the country; and explain why you would like to visit it. 第一版notes: UK P school, history, D country, museums, Xi visit Why 1. royal family 2. food 第二版notes: UK – further edu P school, history, steam engine, x-ray Industrialised, galleries museums, Xi visit unprecedented closeness Why 1. royal family – Queen, baby, palace, married, big ben 2. food – fish n chips, unbearable, creative?