

2016-12-07    17'19''

主播: 意趣英语

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这是意趣英语的一个系列专题,将陆续更新发布。 1. 如何准备面试 How to prepare for an interview 1.1 做好详细的调查 Do your research thoroughly 1.1.1 研究求职的公司 Do your research about the company a) 首先,是公司的官网 about us mission&value strive to perfect b) 其次,我们可以关注一下公司最近的动态。 marketing/communication LinkedIn premium service Dear xxx, 尊敬的xxx I am xxx, a candidate for the position of salesman in the marketing department. And I would like to express my thanks for the interview opportunity. 我叫xxx, 是市场部销售职位的候选人之一,我十分感谢这次的面试机会。 As I am preparing for the interview scheduled on this Thursday, there are still a few things I need your help with. 我正在准备这个周四的面试,还有一些地方需要您的帮助。 First, could you please let me know what is the dress code for the interview for this position? 首先,请问您可以告诉我这个面试的着装要求是什么吗? Second, are there any specific matters that I need to be aware of before coming in for the interview? 其次,在面试之前有什么我需要了解的特殊事项吗? I would really appreciate it if you would let me know. 如果您能告诉我,我将十分感激。 Yours sincerely, 祝好 Michael Linkedin Alumni Dear Sophie, 亲爱的Sophie, This is Brianna. I see that you are a friend of Mike so I asked him to introduce me to you. 我叫Brianna. 我了解到您是Mike 的朋友,于是我让他把我介绍给您。 I hope this is not abrupt for you. 希望不会太唐突。 I recently applied for a position in the marketing department in your company and I was scheduled for an interview. 我最近申请了贵公司市场部的一个职位,并得到了一个面试机会。 I am wondering if you could tell me what the dressing style is like in the office since I am not really sure about the dress code for the interview. 不知道您可不可以告诉我办公室里面的着装风格都是怎样的,因为我不太清楚这次面试的着装要求。 I am wondering if you could tell me a little about what the corporate’s culture is like there. 不知道您能不能告诉我您那里的公司文化是怎么样的? I would really appreciate it and please let me know if I can be of any help. 非常感谢您的帮忙,如果需要我的地方,尽管告诉我。 Sincerely, 祝好 Ruby c) 其他平台。 Glass door d) 所在行业信息。 e) 财务健康状况。 annual report 1.1.2 调查自己 Research yourself (未完待续) 意趣英语 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish