

2018-06-16    03'53''

主播: 意趣英语

8230 75

收看更多有趣内容,搜索关注: 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: It's just a little something from your supercool guncles. 就是你特别酷的同志叔叔的一点小心意。 知识点讲解: 1、This is for you. 这是给你的。 Here, this is for you. This is for all those times you believed in me when no one else did. 看,这是给你的。谢谢你在没人相信我的时候依然挺我。 This is for you. For helping me move. I really appreciate it. 这是给你的。谢谢你帮我搬家,非常感谢。 2、I got you a little something. 这是一点小心意。 I got you a little something. It's nothing spectacular, but I just wanted to say thanks for being a good friend. 这是我的一点心意。不是什么特别好的礼物,我就是想谢谢你这个好朋友。 The trip was amazing and that reminds me. I got you a little something. It's a bottle of their local whiskey. 这次旅行太棒了,我想起来有个东西要给你。是一瓶当地产的威士忌。 3、I hope you like it. 希望你能喜欢。 Here, I got you this shirt from Macy's. It was on sale for like half off. I hope you like it. 我从梅西百货给你买了这件衬衫。这衬衫当时促销差不多打五折。希望你能喜欢。 4、Go ahead. Open it. 快点打开吧~ I can't wait to see your face once you see what I got you. Go ahead. Open it. 我等不及想看看你拆礼物时的表情。快点打开吧。 5、I saw this and thought it was perfect for you. 我看到这个,觉得很适合你。 I saw this necklace and thought it was perfect for you. The green really matches your eyes. 我看到这条项链就觉得非常适合你。绿色很配你的眼睛。 I saw this pen and thought it was perfect for you since you're always writing. 我觉得这支笔很适合你用,因为你经常写东西 微信 yiquenglish 微博 @意趣英语