外国人 iphone is out 可不是“苹果手机落伍”的意思!

外国人 iphone is out 可不是“苹果手机落伍”的意思!

2018-09-12    06'11''

主播: 意趣英语

4241 33

wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语 情景对话: - Look at that, the stars are out. 看那,星星出来了。 - Wow. They're so bright. 哇,他们好亮啊。 知识点笔记: Come out 电影上映;新产品推出 【例句一】 That movie is going to come out next month. 那部电影下个月即将上映。 【例句二】 Kong Fu Panda is out. I want to watch it. 功夫熊猫已经上映了,我想去看。 【例句三】 The new phone comes out in 2 months. I'm gonna preorder one now. 这个新电话2个月以后出,我现在就要预订一台。 我们也可以直接说: The new iphone is out. 最新的iphone手机已经出来了。 Out 用完了 【例句一】 We're out of milk. 家里没有牛奶了。 【例句二】 We're out of water. 家里没有水了。 【例句三】 The store was out of whole wheat bread so I had to get white bread. 店里没有全麦面包了,所以我买的白面包。 【例句四】 We're out of printer ink. Could you go online and order some? 我们打印机的墨水用完了。你能不能上网订一点啊? Out 离开 【例句一】 Can you turn off the lights on your way out? 你走的时候能把灯关了吗? 【例句二】 He just went out like not even 2 minutes ago. 他刚刚出去不到2分钟的时间。 Come out 出柜 【例句】 Susan came out to her parents at her graduation and they're ok with it. Susan在毕业的时候跟父母出柜了,他们不介意这事。 Out 情况发生改变时/不再是这种情况 【例句一】 Nancy's been out of a job for almost a year now. I don't know what she does with her time. Nancy已经一年多没有工作了。我不知道她都在干些什么。 【例句二】 I'm out of that relationship now. 我不再跟她在一起了。 【例句三】 I'm out of that relationship now. She was very manipulative and abusive towards me. 我跟她分手了。她控制欲强又喜欢揍我。 Be made out of something (某种东西)是用什么做的 【例句一】 This phone case is made out of cheap plastic. No wonder it cracked when you dropped it. 这个手机壳是用便宜的塑料做成的。所以你摔它的时候它一下就裂了是很正常的。 【例句二】 I made a tote bag out of my old jeans. If you like it, I can make you one too. 我用我的旧牛仔裤做了一个大包,如果你喜欢的话,我可以给你也做一个。 wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语