

2018-12-04    04'50''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: Mitch: That's an incredibly manipulative thing to say. Cam: Well, that's not how I meant it. And that hurts my feelings. Mitch: Oh, my God. This is so lame and transparent. 知识点讲解: Manipulative [məˈnɪpjəleɪtɪv] 控制欲强的 这是一个高级词汇,贬义。 这样形容一个人时可不是好话。 【例句】 Jess is the most manipulative woman I've ever met. She always plays the victim to get whatever she wants. Jess是我见过的控制欲最强的女人,她总是扮演受害者来达到自己的目的。 That's not how I meant it. 我不是那个意思。 这句话直接拿来就用哦~ 别人误解我们时,可以用来解释。 【例句】 A: What do you mean “slow”? Are you saying I'm stupid? 你说我“慢”什么意思?你是说我笨么? B: That's not how I meant it. I just mean you take a long time to think. 我不是那个意思。我的意思是你思考的时间有点长。 继续剧情: Cam: Busted. You know, you're so much smarter than me. Mitch: Oh, I wish I knew where your "off" switch was. 知识点讲解: Busted. 被你发现了/被抓住。 在生活中,小花招被看穿后, 我们就可以这样说哦~ 【例句一】 He's busted by the police. 他被警察抓起来了。 【例句二】 A: Oh my god, you're trying to get Harriet to go out with you. 天呐,你想约Harriet出去。 B: Busted. How did you find out? 被你发现了,你怎么发现的? I wish I knew… 真希望我知道… 这是一个“虚拟语气”用法 【例句一】 I wish I knew what his plan was because what he's asking me to do doesn't make sense. 真希望我知道他的计划,因为他让我做的事根本说不通啊。 【例句二】 I wish I knew the answer to this question. It is worth thirty points. 我真希望知道这道题的答案,它值三十分呢。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语