What's there to eat 是什么意思?跟吃有什么关系?

What's there to eat 是什么意思?跟吃有什么关系?

2018-12-09    04'26''

主播: 意趣英语

8516 55

更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: Claire: Haley, honey, I wanted to talk to you about this whole thing with Andy. Haley: What&`&s there to talk about? Claire: Well, I&`&m concerned that it is distracting you from what&`&s really important. Haley: Oh, mom, there&`&s nothing to worry about. You know, it&`&s just sex. Claire: What? 知识点讲解: I wanted to talk to you about… 我想跟你谈谈… 【例句一】 Can you reply when you have time? I wanted to talk to you about next week&`&s plan. 你有空的时候能回复我么?我想跟你谈谈下周的计划。 What&`&s there to…? 有什么好…? What&`&s there to eat? 有什么好吃的? What&`&s there to discuss? 有什么好讨论的? I&`&m concerned that… 我担心… 【例句】 I&`&m concerned that the test will cover a lot more than I&`&ve studied. This professor&`&s known for being tough. 我担心这次考试的范围比我复习了的要大,这个教授是出了名的难对付。 继续剧情: Haley: Purely physical. It&`&s really just a stress-reliever. …… Haley: The whole sex thing was the fastest way to end the conversation with my mother. 讲解: Stress-reliever 减压的方法 【例句一】 Exercise is a great stress-reliever. 运动是一种很好的减压方式。 【例句二】 Reading a book is a great stress-reliever. 读书是一种很好的减压方式。 The fastest way to end the conversation 结束对话最快的方式 【例句】 Fred won&`&t stop talking so walking away is the fastest way to end the conversation with him. Fred会一直说个不停,所以跟他结束对话最快的方式就是走开。 更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语