

2019-06-16    07'14''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 That’s how I felt about all of season 8. It was so rushed and nothing made sense. 整个第八季我都是这种感觉。太仓促了,并且都不合逻辑。 That's how I felt about… 对于...我就是这种感觉 It did get boring. That's how I felt about the last half of the book. 确实变得很无聊。这就是我对这本书后半部分的感觉。 Yeah, Varys doesn't do much. That's how I felt about Littlefinger too. He's got nothing to do. 是的,Varys啥也没做。我对LIttlefinger也是这种感觉。他没啥事情可做。 Rushed [rʌʃt] 仓促的,匆忙的 The last two seasonsfelt rushed. They didn't set anything up. Things just happened. 最后两季感觉有点仓促。他们并没有铺垫什么,事情就这样发生了。 The game is riddled with bugs because development was rushed. 由于开发过于仓促,这个游戏充满了bug。 Nothing made sense. 没有什么是符合逻辑的 没什么是讲得通的 These characters aren't acting like themselves. Nothing made sense towards the end. 这些角色都不像自己了,快结束时没什么是符合逻辑的。 I didn't watch the other Marvel movies, so nothing made sense to me in End Game. 我没有看其他的漫威电影。所以在《终局之战》里面没什么对我来说是讲得通的 The writing was atrocious this season. They abandoned character development just so they could jump from one plot point to the next. 这一季的编剧真是太烂了。他们放弃了角色发展,只是为了从一个情节点跳到下一个情节点。 Atrocious [əˈtroʊʃəs] (质量)极差的 The CGI was atrocious. Everything looked fake. 这个CGI太差了。全都看起来好假。 The amusement park was atrocious. A lot of rides were broken down and the lines were so long. 这个游乐园太差了。很多有了设施都坏了,并且排的队伍太长了。 Character development 角色发展,人物发展 The movie focused too much on action and not enough on character development. The scene where she talks about her father is necessary for her character development. We learn why she hates men. 她谈论父亲的那个场景对她的性格发展是必要的。这让我们知道她为什么讨厌男人。 Plot point 情节点 Some plot points go nowhere. Wasn't Arya supposed to kill someone with green eyes? 有些情节点毫无意义。Arya不是应该杀掉一个绿眼睛的人吗? The movie uses time travel as a plot point without explaining the science behind it. 这部电影使用时间旅行作为一个情节点,但没有解释其背后的科学原因。 更多精彩内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语