

2017-10-28    03'36''

主播: 美思英语微信班

34 1

I was talking with my 代购 earlier; he will be bringing me things from Japan. He said,“why don’t you wait till 重阳节, there may be a discount then”. Wow, I didn’t know that they had 重阳节 in Japan as they do in China. Sadly, we don’t have this in England or America. So what’s the story behind this day? 9 is a number with heavy 阳气. And September is the 9th month of the year. So, on the 9th day of 9th month we’ve got two 9s. My 代购 said to me “you didn’t even know this? You must be living under a rock”. What does this mean? It means 你这都不知道,你见识真少,像井底蛙. So I replied, “and you think they will have discounts on 重阳节?I think you are the one who’s living under a rock. 刚刚在和我的日本代购下单。他跟我说,要不等到重阳节吧,可能有折扣。哇,原来日本也有重阳节,不只是中国有,长见识了。可惜美国英国都没有。背景故事是什么呢?9这个数字是阳气的,而9月带了9,9月9更是多了一个9,所以有了重阳这个名字。于是他跟我说“你连这些都不知道。你一定是living under a rock”这句话什么意思。就是见识很少的人,像井底蛙”。我回复:“而你居然会以为重阳节有折扣?井底蛙的人是你才对吧!” 九月九·话重阳 Point live under the rock 见识短 For example Homework 请在留言中翻译:你连美思都不知道,你见识真少。 获取语音文件:请大家在喜马拉雅App中,搜索“和老外说英语”即可免费收听下载。加入美思英语学习会,和十五万人一起学习英语口语。 来自:美思 文字来自:美思 背景音乐:《Bye Bye Bye》《Faded》 -The end- 音符