Doctor Noiz's Listening lab 诺兹博士的听力实验室

Doctor Noiz's Listening lab 诺兹博士的听力实验室

2020-04-24    08'50''

主播: 零度升华🍸

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Doctor Noiz’s Listening Lab Doctor Noiz的听力实验室 Hello, I am Doctor Noiz. It’s my job to study sounds, from beautiful music to sounds other people may call “annoying.” 你好,我是Doctor Noiz。我的工作是研究声音,从美妙的音乐到被别人可能称为“烦人”的声音。 This is my laboratory, where I study and listen to all kinds of sounds. Now, here is a treasure box full of sounds. Listen carefully. What do you hear? Shh, don’t make a sound. Just listen. It’s easy to make noises and be loud, but it’s hard to be quiet, and just listen. 这是我的实验室,我在这里学习和听各种各样的声音。现在,这里有一个装满声音的宝箱。仔细倾听。你听到了什么?嘘,别出声。只是听。制造噪音和制造噪音很容易,但保持安静和倾听却很难。 There are so many amazing sounds in our world. There are man-made sounds, like the sound of an airplane. And there are natural sounds, like the sound of the rain and animals. 在我们的世界里有那么多美妙的声音。有人造的声音,比如飞机的声音。还有自然的声音,比如雨声和动物的声音。 There are quiet sounds, like the sound of a whisper, or even the wind. And there are loud sounds, like the sound of someone screaming, or a big truck driving by. 有安静的声音,像耳语的声音,甚至风的声音。还有很响的声音,比如是有人尖叫的声音,或是一辆大卡车驶过的声音。 A musician uses an instrument to make music. There are many different kinds of instruments. The guitar has strings that vibrate. These vibrations are made when the musician plucks the strings with his fingers or with a pick. 音乐家用乐器演奏音乐。有许多不同种类的乐器。这把吉他有可以振动的琴弦。这些振动是音乐家用手指或拨片拨动琴弦时产生的。 The thinner strings make a high-pitched sound, and the thicker strings make a low-pitched sound. He uses his other hand to change the length and pitch of the strings. 较细的弦发出高音,较粗的弦发出低音。他用另一只手来改变琴弦的长度和音高。 Some sounds are very relaxing, like the sound of a beautiful piece of music, or the waves of the ocean. But, some sounds are bad for your ears. 有些声音是非常放松的,比如一段优美的音乐,或者海浪的声音。但是,有些声音对你的耳朵不好。 Your ears are a kind of sound receiver, which collects vibrations and changes those vibrations into information for the brain. 你的耳朵是一种声音接收器,它收集振动并将这些振动转化为大脑的信息。 This way, for example, you can know if a sound is from an elephant or a helicopter. Be careful! If the volume of the sound is too loud, it can damage your ears. 例如,通过这种方法,你可以知道声音是来自大象还是直升机。小心!如果音量太大,会损害你的耳朵。 Your ears are sensitive. If the sound is too loud, it can make your ears ring, or you could even go deaf. These loud sounds are everywhere. Music turned up too loud (especially through headphones), live concerts, traffic and airplane noise, and even someone yelling into your ear, can all hurt your ears very badly. 你的耳朵很敏感。如果声音太大,它会使你的耳朵响,或者你甚至会变聋。这些大声的声音到处都是。音乐开得太大声(尤其是通过耳机),现场音乐会,交通和飞机噪音,甚至有人对着你的耳朵大喊大叫,都会严重伤害你的耳朵。 So, please be careful. Turn down the volume on your stereo or headphones. Protect your ears, and they will serve you well for a long, long time. I do hope you have enjoyed the tour of my listening laboratory. Please come back again soon! Goodbye! 所以,请小心。把音响或耳机的音量调低。保护你的耳朵,它们将在很长一段时间内为你服务。我希望你们享受我的听力实验室之旅。请尽快再来!再见!