

2015-06-10    16'08''

主播: 单词极客5184词

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1.abandon放纵,放弃,抛弃 a(to)+ban(禁止)+don(对...禁止)抛弃 abandon oneself to沉溺于 abandon ships弃船 Never abandon yourself to despair.切勿自暴自弃。 He claimed that his parents had abandoned him. Don&`&t abandon (别放弃),不过,"别放弃"更多翻译为:Don&`&t give up 或never stop. Never say die, never say never其中,abandon指的是永远放弃,强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。而give up是不要因为没有希望或压力太大而放弃。 2.Abbreviate,abbreviation缩写,缩短 Abbreviate (shorten)=Ab(to)+brevi(brief)+ate(v.) Abbreviation=shortening Abbreviate sth to sth Sth is an abbreviation for She abbreviated her first name to Lee. Tv is an abbreviation for television. The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.因为下雨,仪式从简. 3.Aboriginal原始的 Original 原始的,原创的,新颖的,有beginning的意思,所以是原始的 Aborigine原住民(native);土人,土著 (-al表示人,物,状态,personal,rival,conditional) Origin =beginning Aborigine原住民(native);土人,土著 The Indians are the aboriginal Americans. 印第安人是美国的土著人 4.Abortion流产,堕胎,(计划等)中途失败”或“夭折,中止” Miscarriage流产,早产 To get/have an abortion To have a carriage. An abortion of a plan Abort a plan中止计划 The decision was made to abort the mission. 决定中止这项任务。 The take-off was aborted… 起飞取消了。 5.Abound vi.充满; 丰富,盛产; 非常多,大量存在; Sth abound. Stories about his travels abound. 有关他游历的故事多得很。 abound with 和 abound in 都表示“富有…” 或 “有许多….” 当“场所名词”作主语时,两者皆可用。而当“动物或事物名词”作主语时,只能用abound in Fish abound in the lake.(不能用abound with)这湖里有很多鱼 The lake abound with /in fish.这湖里有很多鱼。 Sth/a place abound in /with(in富于,充满) 6.Abundant 地方+be abundant in +事物 某地富含某物 Abundance【c】 sth be in abundance某种东西比较富足,不短缺 an abundance of wildlife丰富的野生动植物 The area has an abundance of wildlife… 这片地区有丰富的野生动植物。 Food was in abundance. 食品充足。 7.Absent 缺席的,不在场的 Present在场的,出席的 be absent from +地点后面往往跟地点名词,表示在某地点缺勤或缺席 be absent for 后面往往跟事物名词,表示缺席某个事件 如:be absent from school旷课 Be absent for the meeting会议缺席 He’s absent in Europe 他外出了,现在欧洲
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