

2017-03-14    03'14''

主播: 澳洲Nikki老师

15 0

免费电子书,音频,公开课: 关注微信公众号: 英语开眼界 ​ Hi everyone and welcome to today’s podcast Today, we’re going to learn some different ways to say 稍等 / 等一等 in English It’s a phrase we often need to say in both professional situations and everyday life 无论在职场还是在日常生活,我们都会常常用到这句话. Let&`&s have a look together 1. Could you wait a moment please? (formal 正式) 2. Would you mind waiting for a moment? (formal 正式) 3. I’ll be with you in a minute (neutral 一般) 4. Give me one second (neutral 一般) 5. Hold on (slightly informal 比较非正式) 6. Hang on (informal 非正式) You don&`&t need to remember all of these ways to say 稍等 but you do need to understand them, because you will hear them a lot when talking to native speakers! And DON'T say “please wait” ! 大家要记住不要说 please wait (这样听起来不太地道) (但是你可以说: Please wait a moment / Please wait a minute / Please wait here) 免费电子书,音频,公开课: 关注微信公众号: 英语开眼界 ​