Friends 113 The One with the Boobies

Friends 113 The One with the Boobies

2016-04-22    22'23''

主播: 睡衣外穿的花菜

1392 97

【前言】剧本放不下啦,需要剧本的私信哦~ 【简介】 1.13 The One with the Boobies Chandler accidentally walks in on Rachel after a shower and sees her breasts, leading to a series of shower peepings. Phoebe's new psychiatrist boyfriend, Roger, depresses and angers everyone. Joey finds out his dad has been having an affair with Ronni, a pet mortician, for six years; he insists his dad either break it off or confess, but it turns out his mom already knew--and didn't want it to stop. 113 看胸脯 钱德撞见瑞秋出浴并看见了她的胸脯,引发了一连串的报复行动。 菲比的新男友罗杰是个心理医生,他观察力太过敏锐、使每个人陷入沮丧的境地,由此惹恼了大家。 乔伊得知了父亲和兽医朗妮有一腿,并且已经六年之久。 他坚持要父亲断绝这头关系,要么就向母亲坦白, 而事实上,他母亲早已一清二楚,并且不愿让这段感情结束。 【详解】 Rachel: That is it! You just barge in here, you don't knock barge in v.闯入 Chandler: That's a relatively open weave and I can still see your... nippular areas. relatively adv.相当地/weave n.织法 编织式样/nipple n.乳头/nippular adj.乳头的 Phoebe: I know, I know. So sweet... and so complicated. And for a shrink, he's not too shrinky, y'know? shrink n.精神科医师/shrinky adj.神经质的 Rachel: No, I'm sorry, we're all out of those. Anybody else? be out of those 卖完了 Chandler: It was an accident. Not like I was across the street with a telescope and a box of donuts. telescope n.望远镜/donut n.油炸圈饼 Rachel: Nice? They were nice. I mean, that's it? I mean, mittens are nice. mitten n.连指手套 Chandler: Whoah whoah, back up there, Sparky. What'd you mean by that? sparkyelectrical engineer Roger: Oh, just seems as though that maybe you have intimacy issues. Y'know, that you use your humour as a way of keeping people at a distance. intimacy n.亲密 亲昵行为(尤指不正当的性关系) Chandler: Huh. Roger: I mean hey! I just met you, I don't know you from Adam....Only child, right? Parents divorced before you hit puberty. Adam n.亚当(《圣经》故事人物)/only child n.独生子/hit v.到达(某个时间段)/puberty n.青春期 Mr. Tribbiani: Just for a coupla days. I got a job midtown. I figure I'm better off staying with the kid than hauling my ass back and forth on the ferry. (Sees Roger) I don't know this one. midtown adv.位于市中心地/better off adj.状况好的/haul my ass back To move extremely quickly, to move at an expeditious(迅速的) rate /back and forth adv.来回地/ferry n.渡轮上 Mr. Tribbiani: Her name's Ronni. She's a pet mortician. mortician n.殡仪业者 Joey: It's like if you woke up one day and found out your dad was leading this double life. He's like actually some spy, working for the C.I.A. (Considers) That'd be cool.... This blows! lead double life v.过着两面派的生活 Rachel: C'mon, he's right. Tit for tat. tit n.轻打/tat n.轻击/tit for tat 一报还一报 Roger: I don't know. Maybe maybe low self-esteem, maybe to compensate for overshadowing a sibling, maybe you... self-esteem n.自尊心/compensate for v.补偿损失 /overshadow v.使某人黯然失色/sibling n.兄弟 姐妹 Roger: Well, I don't know. I mean, it's conceivable that you wanted to sabotage your marriage so that the sibling would feel less of a failure in the eyes of the parents. conceivable adj.可想像的/sabotage v.n.破坏 Monica: Y'know, all these years, I thought you were on my side. But maybe what you were doing was sucking up to Mom and Dad so they'd keep liking you better! be on my side 站在我这边/suck up to sb v.讨好某人 Rachel: You're right! I mean you're right! It wasn't just the Weebles, but it was the Weeble Play Palace, and and the Weebles' Cruise Ship. Oh, which had this little lifeboat for the Weebles to wobble in. wobble v.摇晃 游移不定/wobble in v.晃晃悠悠地驶入/Weebles is a trademark for several lines of children's toys originating in Hasbro's Playskool division on July 23, 1971. Shaped like eggs with a weight at the fat, or bottom end, they wobble when pushed, but never fall completely over, hence the name. Some Weebles were designed to look like humans. The "Weebleville" series of 2004 and 2005 looked more like anthropomorphic(adj.拟人的) animals, but the "Storybook World" series of 2006 has returned to more humanlike faces for the figures.The popular catchphrase, "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down", was used in advertising during their rise in popularity in the 1970s and during the relaunch in the 2000s.A wide range of accessories were available for the Weebles including vehicles, buildings and furniture. Some sets had a theme to them, such as the Weebles circus set/Weeble:菲比有了心理医生男友罗杰,但他的毛病是分析老友们每个人的心理问题,使得每个人都很沮丧。当他分析瑞秋时,瑞秋潸然泪下,不断说些和“威宝(Weeble)娃娃”有关的问题,有“威宝娃娃玩乐宫”,“威宝娃娃巡航船”,“威宝娃娃救生艇”。“威宝娃娃”是美国“孩之宝(hasbro)”公司的一款玩具,“威宝娃娃”等经常被放置在救火车等场景中,而一切需要孩子自己组装。剧中没有谈到罗杰究竟和瑞秋说了些什么,但显然瑞秋被勾起了童年的不愉快回忆。 Ronni: Now, y'see, most people, when their pets pass on, they want 'em sorta laid out like they're sleeping. But occasionally you get your person who wants them in a pose. Like, chasing their tail, (Demonstrates) or jumping to catch a Frisbee. pass on v.去世/lay out v.布置成/occasionally adv.偶尔地/demonstrate v.示范说明 Chandler: So, who's up for a big game of Kerplunk? be up for v.打算/KerPlunk is a game first marketed by the Ideal Toy Company in 1967.It consists of a plastic tube, a number of plastic rods called straws and a number of marbles. The plastic tube stands upright on a base that contains four separate trays and the straws are passed through holes in the side of the tube to form a "web". The marbles are then placed in the top of the tube and held in place by the web/Kerplunk:剧中乔伊爸爸的情妇来乔伊公寓找乔伊爸爸,钱德勒提议大家一起来玩“扑通(Kerplunk)游戏,这是一种把两个玻璃杯对接起来,中间放上一些游戏签,大家轮流抽签让彩球从上面的玻璃杯落到下面的游戏。但显然大家都没有玩游戏的心情 Joey: Well, either you break it off with Ronni break it off with v.与...断绝交往 Joey: Then you gotta come clean with Ma! This is not right! come clean v.坦白承认 Joey: I've been thinking. Y'know, about how I'm always seeing girls on top of girls... on top of adv.紧接着 Chandler: Are they end to end, or tall like pancakes? end to end adv.首尾相连地/pancake n.薄烤饼 Joey: Y'know what I mean, about how I'm always going out with all these women. And I always figured, when the right one comes along, I'd be able to be a stand-up guy and go the distance, y'know? Now I'm looking at my dad, thinking... come along到来,出现/stand-up adj.堂堂正正的/go the distance v.To carry a course of action through to completion继续跑完全程 白头偕老 Chandler: Hey, you're not him. You're you. When they were all over you to go into your father's pipe-fitting business, did you cave? pipe-fitting adj.水管工的/cave vi.屈服 投降 Phoebe: Uh-huh. Okay. Okay, don't you think, maybe, though, it's just that he's so perceptive that it freaks you out? perceptive adj.洞察力强的/freak sb out把某人吓坏了 Mrs. Tribbiani: I came to give you this (Gives him a bag of groceries) and this. (Whacks him round the ear) grocery n.食品杂货/whack v.用力打 Mrs. Tribbiani: Of course I knew! What did you think? Your father is no James Bond. You should've heard some of his cover stories. "I'm sleeping over at my accountant's," I mean, what is that? Please! cover story n.掩饰之词/sleep over v.借宿别人处/accountant n.会计 Joey: Ma, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but... what the hell are you talking about?! I mean, what about you? disrespectful adj.无礼的 Mrs. Tribbiani: Me? I'm fine. Look, honey, in an ideal world, there'd be no her, and your father would look like Sting. And I'll tell you something else. Ever since that poodle-stuffer came along, he's been so ashamed of himself that he's been more attentive, he's been more loving... I mean, it's like every day's our anniversary. poodle n.卷毛小狗/stuffer n.填充物/be ashamed of oneself v.感到自愧/attentive adj.专心的/ Roger: Actually it's, it's quite, y'know, typical behaviour when you have this kind of dysfunctional group dynamic. Y'know, this kind of co-dependant, emotionally stunted, sitting in your stupid coffee house with your stupid big cups which, I'm sorry, might as well have nipples on them, and you're like all 'Oh, define me! Define me! Love me, I need love!'. dysfunctional adj.不正常的/dynamic adj.机能的/co-dependant adj.相互依赖的/emotionally adv.在情感上/stunted adj.(发育 生长等)受妨碍的 发育不良 Joey: Yeah. He's gonna keep cheating on my ma like she wanted, my mom's gonna keep pretending she doesn't know even though she does, and my little sister Tina can't see her husband any more because he got a restraining order...which has nothing to do with anything except that I found out today. cheat on v.对...不忠/restraining order n.法院制止令/have nothing to do with v.与...毫无干系 Joey: Clear the tracks for the boobie payback express. Next stop: Rachel Green. (He goes into the bathroom. We hear a scream and he comes out,closely followed by Monica in a towel) clear the tracks v.扫清道路/payback n.偿还/express n.快运