

2020-05-18    01'56''

主播: 丹尼老师

435 6

On Zhang’s Hermitage【0】 I Without companion in spring mountains I came alone seeking you, the thunk【1】 of axes hewing wood, the mountains grew still more secluded【2】. In lingering chill on the road by a torrent【3】 I passed through ice and snow, with sinking sunlight on Stonegate Mountain, I reached your wooded hill. Not coveting【4】, by night I recognized the aura【5】 of silver and gold, far from harm, at dawn I looked on the deer roaming. Following my whim【6】 to the distance, I lose thought of service and retirement【7】, facing you, it seems you are an empty boat adrift【8】. II This gentleman meets me from time to time, invited, I stay on impulse【9】 late in the day. A pool under clearing skies, sturgeon【10】 abound【11】, among spring plants the deer cry out. He particularly urges Du’s ale【12】 on me, for Zhang’s pears do not seek elsewhere. Perilous【13】, the mountain road to the village ahead, yet going home drunk, I am always free of worries. 单词释义 【0】hermitage [ˈhɜːmɪtɪdʒ] n. 隐居处; 修道院; 【1】thunk [θʌŋk] n. 铮,铛,锵; 【2】seclude [sɪˈkluːd] v. (使) 与…隔离,与…隔绝; (使) 隐居,独处; 【3】torrent [ˈtɒrənt] n. 急流; 激流; 湍流; 洪流; 迸发; 连发; 狂潮; 【4】covet [ˈkʌvət] v. 渴望; 贪求(尤指别人的东西); 觊觎; 【5】aura [ˈɔːrə] n. 气氛; 氛围; 气质; 【6】whim [wɪm] n. 心血来潮; 一时的兴致; 突发的奇想; vi. 心血来潮地向往; 【7】retirement [rɪˈtaɪəmənt] n. 退休; 退职; 退休年龄; 退休生活; (尤指从体育、政治等方面的) 退出,引退; 【8】adrift [əˈdrɪft] adj. 漂浮; 漂流; 漫无目的; 随波逐流; 漂泊无依; 脱开; 松开; 【9】impulse [ˈɪmpʌls] n. 冲动; 心血来潮; 一时的念头; 脉冲; 冲击; 冲量; 推动力; 刺激; 【10】sturgeon [ˈstɜːdʒən] n. 鲟; 【11】abound [əˈbaʊnd] v. 大量存在; 有许多; 【12】ale [eɪl] n. 麦芽啤酒; 一杯(或一瓶、一罐)麦芽啤酒; (泛指) 啤酒; 【13】perilous [ˈperələs] adj. 危险的; 艰险的;