

2020-05-19    00'57''

主播: 丹尼老师

428 3

Liu of the Law Section and Zheng of Xiaqiu Hold a Banquet【1】 at Stonegate Mountain The autumn waters are clear and bottomless, the briskness【2】 cleanses【3】 the hearts of the guests. The administrator【4】 follows his free whim, on a saddled【5】 horse he went off to find someone. An able clerk【6】 meets the “linked pair of jade disks,” this splendid banquet costs a whole silver tael【7】. As the day grows late, the flute playing is good, and under the flood the dragon too hums【8】. 单词释义 【1】banquet [ˈbæŋkwɪt] n. 宴会; 盛宴; 筵席; 【2】briskness [ˈbrɪsknɪs] n. 鲜爽(度),鲜爽味;活泼;轻快; 【3】cleanse [klenz] v. 清洁(皮肤); 清洗(伤口); 使免除(罪过); 使净化; 【4】administrator [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə(r)] n. (公司、机构的) 管理人员,行政人员; 【5】saddle [ˈsædl] n. 马鞍; (自行车或摩托车的) 车座; (动物的) 脊肉; v. 给(马)备鞍; 【6】clerk [klɑːk] n. 职员; 簿记员; 文书; (议会、法院等的) 书记员; 旅馆服务台接待员; v. 当职员(或文书、书记员); 【7】tael [teɪl] n. 每两; 台两; 银两; 中两; 【8】hum [hʌm] v. 哼(曲子); 发嗡嗡声; 活跃; 繁忙; n. 嗡嗡声; 嘈杂声;