

2020-05-20    00'58''

主播: 丹尼老师

452 5

Visiting South Pool with Assistant Magistrate【1】 Xu of Rencheng Autumn’s waters course【2】 through the field ditches, at the corner of the wall we assemble【3】 in a small boat. In the evening cool I watch the horses being groomed, the thick darkness of trees has a tumult【4】 of chirping【5】 cicadas【6】. Water-nuts ripen in the seasonal rains, the reeds【7】 go to ruin in the mid-autumn weather. Dawn brings down the white dew, and, afar, I recall the old green rug. 单词释义 【1】magistrate [ˈmædʒɪstreɪt] n. 地方执法官; 【2】course [kɔːs] n. (有关某学科的系列) 课程,讲座; (大学中要进行考试或取得资格的) 课程; (船或飞机的) 航向,航线; v. 快速地流动; 奔流; 【3】assemble [əˈsembl] v. 集合; 收集; 装配; 组装; 【4】tumult [ˈtjuːmʌlt] n. 喧哗; 心烦意乱; 思绪不宁; 【5】chirping [ˈtʃɜːpɪŋ] v. 吱喳叫; 唧唧叫; 发啁啾声; 轻松愉快地讲(话); 嘁嘁喳喳地说; 【6】cicada [sɪˈkɑːdə]n. 蝉; 知了; 【7】reed [riːd] n. 芦苇;