

2020-06-11    01'30''

主播: 丹尼老师

288 3

This Evening: A Ballad[1] What evening is this?—the year is passing on, night hours stretch out, the candle bright, one should not ignore it. In the hostel lodgings[2] in Xianyang nothing to do at all, we come together to cast dice as our entertainment. In the flush of excitement, a loud shout, crying “five white!” bare-chested and barefooted, I can’t get the best throw. Sometimes even heroes are just like this, taking a chance shouldn’t be thought a bad plan. Don’t laugh now, Liu Yi always wished to be just a commoner, he didn’t have a peck of rice at home but he lost a million cash. 单词释义 [1]ballad [ˈbæləd] n. 叙事诗; 民歌; 民谣; (节奏缓慢的) 情歌; [2]lodging 英 [ˈlɒdʒɪŋ] n. 暂住; 寄宿; 借宿; 租住的房间;