

2020-06-18    01'52''

主播: 丹尼老师

309 3

Protector-General Gao’s Dappled[1] Gray: A Ballad Anxi’s Protector-General’s Hu dappled gray, the fame of its worth in a flash came to the east. In battle ranks this very horse has long been without rival, of one mind with its master, it achieved great deeds./ Those deeds achieved, it gets special care going with him where he will, now as wind gusting from afar, it comes from the Drifting Sands. Its heroic manner has never received the grace of the stable, a fierce disposition still longing for advantage on the field./ Ankles constricted and hooves high, like trampling iron, at Cross Rivers it often has stomped cracks in the layered ice. Its five mane-tufts[2][3] spread out into clouds all over its body, after ten thousand leagues then you will see its sweat flow with blood./ The stout lads of Chang’an dare not ride it— it runs faster than a lightning bolt as the whole city knows. If green silk enwraps its head and it grows old for its lord, what way will it have to go back out the Guang Gate Road? 单词释义 [1] dapple [ˈdæpl] v. 使(某物)有斑点; [2] mane [meɪn] n. (马) 鬃; (狮) 鬣毛; 长发; 浓密的头发; [3] tuft [tʌft] n. (在底部丛生或聚集的) 一绺毛发,一丛草;