

2020-06-21    00'54''

主播: 丹尼老师

299 4

Bearers’ Songs for the Former General of the Palace Guard I Strict curfew[1] on a cold night, from the vanguard[2] a great star fell. Stalwart[3] men thought on his decisiveness, an edict of lament[4] pitied the loss of his soul. Now the king will do no battle, men of learning have already carved his inscription. His hopes to be made a count are remote, for whom do the bound slips stay green? 单词释义 [1] curfew [ˈkɜːfjuː] n. 宵禁令; 宵禁时间; 儿童晚间必须在家的时间; [2] vanguard 英 [ˈvænɡɑːd] n. (政治、艺术、工业等社会活动的) 领导者,先锋,先驱者; 先头部队; 前卫; 尖兵; [3] stalwart [ˈstɔːlwət] n. (政党等组织的) 忠诚拥护者,坚定分子; adj. 忠诚的; 忠实的; 健壮的; 强壮的; [4] lament [ləˈment] n. 挽歌; 哀诗; 悼词;