

2015-04-06    19'02''

主播: 英语101

5610 335

-Penny: Hey, I&`&m having a party on Saturday, so if you guys are around, you should come on by. -Leonard: A party? -Penny: Yeah. -Howard: A... "boy-girl" party? -Penny: Well, there will be boys and there will be girls and it is a party, so... It&`&ll be a bunch of my friends. We&`&ll have some beer, do a little dancing... -Sheldon: Dancing? -Leonard: Yeah, I don&`&t know, Penny... -Sheldon: The thing is, we&`&re not... -Leonard: No, we&`&re really more of a... No. But thanks. Thanks for thinking of us. -Penny: Are you sure? Come on, it&`&s Halloween. -Sheldon: A Halloween party? -Howard: As in... costumes? -Penny: Well, yeah. -Leonard: Is there a theme? -Penny: Uh... Yeah, Halloween. -Sheldon: Yes, but are the costumes random, or genre-specific? -Penny: As usual, I&`&m not following. -Leonard: He&`&s asking if we can come as anyone from science fiction, fantasy... -Penny: Sure. -Sheldon: What about comic books? -Penny: Fine. -Sheldon: Anime? -Penny: of course. -Sheldon: TV, film, D&D, manga, Greek gods, Roman gods, Norse gods... -Penny: Anything you want! Okay? Any costume you want. Bye. Scene 2 -Penny: Hey, guys. -Leonard: Hey. Sorry we're late. -Penny: Late? It's 7:05. -Sheldon: You said the party starts at 7:00. -Penny: Yeah, I mean, when you start a party at 7:00, no one shows up at, you know, 7:00. -Sheldon: It's 7:05. -Penny: Yes. Yes, it is. Okay. Well, um, come on in. -Howard: So, what, are all the girls in the bathroom? -Penny: Probably, but in their own homes. -Sheldon: So, what time does the costume parade start? -Penny: The parade? -Sheldon: Yeah, so the judges can give out the prizes for best costume. You know, most frightening, most authentic, most accurate visualization of a scientific principle. -Penny: Oh, Sheldon, I'm sorry, but there aren't going to be any parades or judges or prizes. -Sheldon: This party is just going to suck.