Part 1 – Finding Dory 《海底总动员 2》
N:Nemo D:Dory M:Marlin
D: Uh…Oh. Oh!
N: What? Did you remember?
D: Ugh, I don't remember. It was something…it was…Oh, oh, oh! It was something about the…
N: The Jewel of Morro Bay, California?
D: My family! I remember my family! They’re out there somewhere. I have to find them. Guys, you got to help me. Guys! Guys! Hello? Guys! Where are you?
M: Dory!
D: Hello?
M: Dory!
D: Ah! Where did you go?
M: You were the one to go.
D: My parents, I remember them.
N: What? What did you remember?
D: I remembered them! My mom. My dad. I have a family. Oh! They don't know where I am. Let's go. We have to go.
M: Dory, no, no. This is crazy, where exactly are you trying to go?
D: To the Gem of the Baltic?
N: The Jewel of Morro Bay, California.
D: Yes.
M: No, Dory. California is all the way across the ocean.
D: Then we’d better get going.
M: How come every time we’re on the edge of this reef, one of us is trying to leave? For once, can't we just enjoy the view?
D: How can you be talking about the view when I remembered my family?
M: No, we’ve done our ocean travels. That part of our lives is over. The only reason to travel in the first place is so you don't have to travel ever again.
D: Yeah, but I want to…
D: 哦,哦。
N: 你想起来了?
D: 我不记得那是什么?哦,哦,哦,那是关于……
N: 加州的宝石莫罗贝湾?
D: 我的家人,我想起我的家人了!他们在那里的某个地方,我必须找到他们。你们一定要帮助我,听到了吗?你们一定要帮助我。你们在哪里?
M: 多莉!
D: 伙伴们,你们在哪里?
M: 多莉!
D: 啊?你们刚刚去哪里了?
M: 是你刚刚一个人就跑了。
D: 我的父母,我记起他们了。
N: 什么?你记起他们了?
D: 我想起来了,我的妈妈还有爸爸。我有一个家庭,他们不知道我在这里,我们走吧,我们必须找到它们。
M: 不,多莉,这很疯狂,你到底要去哪里呀?
D: 去……去芭辣湾。
N: 是加州的宝石莫罗贝湾。
D: 是的!
M: 不,多莉,去加州必须要穿越整个海洋。
D: 那我们就穿越整个海洋啊!
M: 怎么我们每次想安定下来,我们中就有人想要离开呢?我们就不能在这里静静地看风景吗?
D: 你一定要在我想起我的家人的时候来谈论风景吗?
M: 不!我们那种四处奔波的生活已经结束了!我们去冒险的唯一原因是你没有必要再去冒一次险了。
D: 但是我想……