

2018-08-05    10'34''

主播: 若雪明

463 1

 “Ah,” said he, as he came to his house; “Little Claus shall pay me for this; I will beat him to death.” “啊,”他回到家后说道,“小克劳斯要为此付出代价。我要把他打死。” Meanwhile the old grandmother of Little Claus died. She had been cross, unkind, and really spiteful to him; but he was very sorry, and took the dead woman and laid her in his warm bed to see if he could bring her to life again. There he determined that she should lie the whole night, while he seated himself in a chair in a corner of the room as he had often done before. 此时,小克劳斯的老祖母去世了。她脾气暴躁,对小克劳斯很是刻薄、恶毒。不过小克劳斯还是觉得很惋惜,便把这个死去的女人放到自己暖和的床上,看能不能让她再活过来。他打算一宿都让她躺在那里,而自己则坐在角落里的一张椅子上,就像他以前经常做的那样。 During the night, as he sat there, the door opened, and in came Great Claus with a hatchet. He knew well where Little Claus's bed stood; so he went right up to it, and struck the old grandmother on the head. thinking it must be Little Claus. 夜里,正当他坐在那儿,门开了,大克劳斯手持斧头进来了o他很清楚小克劳斯的床在哪儿,便径直过去,照 着老祖母的头砍了过去,以为这是小克劳斯。   “there,” cried he, “now you cannot make a fool of me again;” and then he went home. “ 好了,”他喊道, “现在你再也不能愚弄我了。"然后便回家了。 “That is a very wicked man,” thought Little Claus; “he meant to kill me. It is a good thing for my old grandmother that she was already dead, or he would have taken her life.” “那家伙可真不是个好东西,”小克劳斯想, “他想杀了我。还好我的老祖母已经死了,要不就被他杀了。" Then he dressed his old grandmother in her best clothes, borrowed a horse of his neighbor, and harnessed it to a cart. Then he placed the old woman on the back seat, so that she might not fall out as he drove, and rode away through the wood. By sunrise they reached a large inn, where Little Claus stopped and went to get something to eat. The landlord was a rich man, and a good man too; but as passionate as if he had been made of pepper and snuff. 于是他给老祖母穿上最好的衣服,问邻居借了一匹马,套在一辆车上。然后把老祖母放在后座上,这样他驾车的时候,她就不会掉下来。他们驾车穿过森林而去。太阳升起的时候,他们来到了一家旅店。小克劳斯停下来,进去吃点儿东西。店主很有钱,人也很好,但性情暴躁,仿佛是辣椒和烟草做的。 “Good morning,” said he to Little Claus; “you are come betimes to-day.” “早上好,”他对小克劳斯说,“你今天来得真早。” “Yes,” said Little Claus; “I am going to the town with my old grandmother; she is sitting at the back of the wagon, but I cannot bring her into the room. Will you take her a glass of mead? but you must speak very loud, for she cannot hear well.” “是的,”小克劳斯说,“我要和老祖母到镇里去。她正坐在车后面,但我没法带她进屋。你能给她拿去一杯酒么?不过你得大声说,因为她耳朵不太好使。 ” “Yes, certainly I will,” replied the landlord; and, pouring out a glass of mead, he carried it out to the dead grandmother, who sat upright in the cart. “好的,我肯定会的,”店主回答,说着倒了一杯蜂蜜酒,拿出去给死了的老祖母。她笔直地坐在车里。 “Here is a glass of mead from your grandson,” said the landlord. The dead woman did not answer a word, but sat quite still. “这是你孙子要的一杯蜂蜜酒,”店主人说。那个死去的女人一声不吭,寂静不动地坐在那儿。 “Do you not hear?” cried the landlord as loud as he could; “here is a glass of mead from your grandson.” “你听到了没?” 店主人扯开嗓子喊道,“这是你孙子给你的蜂蜜酒。" Again and again he bawled it out, but as she did not stir he flew into a passion, and threw the glass of mead in her face; it struck her on the nose, and she fell backwards out of the cart, for she was only seated there, not tied in. 他一遍一遍地喊着,但老祖母依旧没有动静。这让他勃然大怒,将那杯蜂蜜酒扔到老祖母脸上,砸到了她的鼻子,她仰身掉下车子,因为她只是坐在那儿,没有系上。 “Hallo!” cried Little Claus, rushing out of the door, and seizing hold of the landlord by the throat; “you have killed my grandmother; see, here is a great hole in her forehead.” “喂!”小克劳斯喊着冲出门外,揪住店主人的领子,“你杀了我的祖母;看,她前额有一个大洞。” “Oh, how unfortunate,” said the landlord, wringing his hands. “This all comes of my fiery temper. Dear Little Claus, I will give you a bushel of money; I will bury your grandmother as if she were my own; only keep silent, or else they will cut off my head, and that would be disagreeable.” “哦,太不幸了!”店主人边说边痛苦地绞着双手。“都是因为我这暴脾气。亲爱的小克劳斯,我会给你一蒲式耳钱,再将她安葬,就像对待我亲祖母那样。只求不要张扬出去,不然他们会砍掉我的脑袋,那可太不痛快了!”  So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own. 于是小克劳斯又得到了一蒲式耳钱,店主人像待自己的祖母那样安葬了老祖母。