林徽因作品 | 《记忆》· 娇娇

林徽因作品 | 《记忆》· 娇娇

2022-04-06    03'52''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

2541 19

为你读英语美文 · 往期回顾 | 第304期 主播:娇娇 记忆Memory 作者:林徽因 断续的曲子,最美或最温柔的夜, Songs that stop and start again, loveliest, or most tender night 带着一天的星。 bringing a skyful of stars. 记忆的梗上,谁不有 On the stem of memories, who doesn't have 两三朵娉婷,披着情绪的花 two or three elegant flowers, draped with sentiments, 无名的展开 nameless, spreading 野荷的香馥, the scent of wild lotus 每一瓣静处的月明。 every petal a bright moon in a quiet place. 湖上风吹过,头发乱了,或是 Wind blows over the lake, hair gets ruffled, perhaps 水面皱起象鱼鳞的锦。 the water is wrinkled like a brocade of fish scales, 四面里的辽阔,如同梦 in the surrounding vastness, like dreams 荡漾着中心彷徨的过往 rippling in the center, uncertain of where to go, 不着痕迹,谁都 eaving no trace, but 认识那图画, veryone knows this drawing, 沉在水底记忆的倒影! his reflection of memories sunk deep in the water! 写于1936年2月 后期:Jingjing 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有