权游 | 守夜人的历史 · 熊叔

权游 | 守夜人的历史 · 熊叔

2019-04-15    05'14''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第307期 权力的游戏 | 守夜人的历史 主播:熊叔 坐标:上海 今天,《权力的游戏》第八季开播,自2011年4月17日第一季首播以来,HBO出品的“权游”将世界各地的剧迷带入了乔治·R·R·马丁老爷子创造的“冰与火之歌”的世界。凛冬将至,维斯特洛人类与异鬼的决战也一触即发。 The History of the Night’s Watch 守夜人的历史 来源:Game of Thrones: Histories and Lore,誓言翻译:网络,其他翻译:永清 "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. 长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。 I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. 我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。 I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。 I shall live and die at my post. 我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。 I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the Wall. 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城中的守卫。 I am the shield that guards the realms of men. 我是守护王国的铁卫 I pledge my life and honor to the Night&`&s Watch, for this night and all the nights to come." 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。 Legend tells of a winter that lasted a generation, and of a vast and terrible darkness that fell across the land. It came to be known as the Long Night. 传说,冬天持续了一代人,浩渺恐怖的黑暗笼罩住了大地,这就是“长夜”。 In the midst of this darkness, the White Walkers emerged from the Far North. With their armies of the dead, they waged war against the living; laying waste to villages and holdfasts; leaving terror and destruction in their wake. 在黑暗中,异鬼从北境入侵。他们率领着死亡军团,向活人发起了战争,他们把村庄和堡垒变为废墟,肆意破坏,恐惧蔓延。 After years of brutal conflict and unbearable loss, an alliance of the First Men and the Children of the Forest managed to drive the Walkers and their minions back into the frigid northern wastelands from whence they came. 在多年残酷交战和惨痛损失后,由先民和森林之子组成的联盟将异鬼和他们的同党击退到了他们的到来之地-寒冷的北部荒原。 To prevent another invasion, the First Men erected the Wall, a massive fortification 700 feet in height, stretching from the Frostfang Mountains, in the west, to the Bay of Seals, in the east. 为了抵御再次入侵,先民建造了绝境长城,这座巨大的防御工事高达213米,从西部的霜雪之牙一直延伸到东部的海豹湾。 It was a structure unlike any ever built. Indeed, some maintain it could only have been completed with the aid of giants, or using the powerful magic of the ancient Children of the Forest. 和以往的所有建筑都不同。确实,有人认为,绝境长城是在巨人族的帮助下,或是利用古老森林之子的魔法才建成的。 Men were required to guard and maintain it, and thus the Night&`&s Watch was born - a sworn brotherhood tasked with defending the realms of men against the dark forces that lay beyond. Upon taking his vows, a Brother of the Night&`&s Watch serves for life. It is a life of hardship and great sacrifice, so the oath must not be taken lightly. The punishment for desertion is death. 根据约定,先民负责守护和修缮绝境长城,守夜人因此诞生-一个宣誓过的兄弟联盟,负责保卫人类的疆域,对抗入侵的黑暗力量。宣誓之后,守夜人将终生守护。守夜人的一生充满艰难和牺牲,誓言并非轻易许下,背弃誓言的惩罚是死亡。 The Night&`&s Watch is divided into three vital branches: the Rangers, the Builders and the Stewards. While all Black Brothers are expected to take up steel should the need arise, the rangers are the true warriors of the Watch. 守夜人军团有三部分构成:游骑兵,工匠和事务官。黑衣兄弟在需要之时提供武器,游骑兵才是真正的战士。 Centuries come and gone, and although the white walkers have yet to return, another threat has emerged: barbarian tribes known as "wildlings". The Rangers are charged with defending the realm against these lawless savages. 几个世纪过去了,虽然异鬼没有入侵,但另一个威胁崛起了:被称为“野人族”的野人部落。游骑兵被命令对抗这些无法无纪的野蛮人。 The Builders are carpenters, masons, miners and woodsmen, tasked with maintaining the Wall, as well as its various keeps, towers and structures, which have fallen into disrepair over the years. 工匠有木匠,泥瓦匠,矿工,樵夫。他们的任务是维护绝境长城,以及其他房屋,塔,建筑。如果没有他们,这些建筑早就坍塌了。 The Stewards serve as cooks, butchers and hunters. They tend to the horses and messenger ravens, sew clothing, gather firewood, and bring supplies up from the South. 事务官有厨师,屠夫,猎人,他们驯养马匹,报信的乌鸦,缝制衣服,收集柴火,从南部获取物资供应。 The Night&`&s Watch is a... diverse group. Proud volunteers from noble houses stand side by side with petty thieves conscripted from dungeons. Class distinctions are left behind, as are... past misdeeds. 守夜人是一个…多样的团体。贵族出生的骄傲自愿者和从地下城招募的无名小偷并肩作战。阶级之分不再存在,更不用说…过去的罪行。 A man gets what he earns on the Wall; and even the lowliest guttersnipe can rise up in rank if he proves himself worthy. 一个人可以在绝境长城赚到他想要的;甚至最卑微的流浪儿也可以平步青云,只要他有能力。 For thousands of years, the Brothers of the Night&`&s Watch have stood their lonely vigil. As the seasons changed, as brutal wars raged in the south, as dynasties rose and fell, the Night&`&s Watch endured. 几千年来,守夜人孤独地坚守着。四季变换,即使南部发起残酷战争,朝代更迭,守夜人一直屹立不倒。 We are the swords in the darkness. We are the watchers on the Wall. We are the shields that guard the realms of men. 我们是黑暗中的利剑,长城中的守卫。我们是守护王国的铁卫 ▎主播介绍 熊叔:英语名师 主播:熊叔,制作:永清,策划:雲昊 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有