

2020-11-25    03'15''

主播: 金玲的声音世界

67 1

Ring 指环,环 A key ring is for carrying keys on. A good ring worn on the ring finger by a man or woman usually shows he or she is married. “ Children like to dance in a ring. ”Here “ring” is equivalent to “circle”. The idiom “run rings around someone” means “do much better or faster than ” Suppose you are very good at mathematics. Then in maths you run rings around your classmates. But in other subjects,in chemistry, for example, some of them may run rings around you. So you see it is necessary for students to learn from each other. “He that runs fastest gets the ring.” This saying tells us a person who is prompt has the prompt has the best chance. Another saying which means the same is :“The early bird catches the worm.” 钥匙圈是用来串钥匙的,男女所戴的金戒指则通常表示他或她已经结了婚。 孩子们喜欢围成圆圈跳舞,这里ring就相当于圆圈了。run rings around someone,这条成语的意思是比他人强得多或快得多。假使你数学很强,那么你在数学方面就是远胜于同学们了,run rings around your classmates,但是在其他科目方面例如化学,有些同学可能远比你强。因此同学之间是有必要互相学习的。 跑得最快的人夺环(捷足者先登)这条谚语告诉我们行动迅速的人。获得最好的机会。另一条谚语的意思也一样“早起的鸟儿,捉到虫儿”。