

2019-09-25    05'33''

主播: 谢子善

121 3

Stiffness and pain of the head and nape 头项强痛: The Taiyang channel stretches from head to foot, passing over the back of the body. When the Taiyang channel contracts a pathogen, it invades the fleshy exterior, and regardless of whether it is Wind invasion,in which the pathogen causes disharmony between Wei and Ying, or cold damage, in which the Wei and Ying become constrained and blocked, the Taiyang channel qi becomes congested and cannot move properly. When the movement of channel qi is impaired, the channel loses its suppleness which, in this case, gives rise to stiffness and pain of the head and nape. 译文 头项强痛:太阳经起自头、循背至足。太阳肌表受邪,无论是营卫不调的中风,还是营卫郁遏的伤寒,太阳经气不利,运行不畅。太阳经气不利,经脉失养,会引起头项强痛。 注释 1)stiffness and pain of the head and nape:头项强 2)regardless of whether…or… :不管…或… 3)disharmony between Wei and Ying:营卫不和 4)the Wei and Ying become constrained and blocked:卫闭营郁 5)Taiyang channel qi:太阳经气 6)congest:拥挤 7)suppleness:柔软 延伸: The Taiyang channel stretches from head to foot, passing over the back of the body. Taiyang channel is Taiyang foot bladder channel which runs from the inner corner of the eye, over the top of the head and down the nape, intersecting the Du meridian before following the spine to the sacrum. From there it travels down the back of the leg, ending at the tip of the fifth toe. When the Taiyang channel contracts a pathogen, the Taiyang channel qi becomes congested and cannot move properly. and then the channel loses its suppleness which, in this case, gives rise to stiffness and pain of the head and nape. It occurs both in wind invasions and cold damage. When cold damage, the wei qi is strong enough to resist and block the pathogenic qi giving rise to the blockage of ying and wei. While in wind invasion neither ying or wei is strong enough to resist the pathogen. In this condition wei floats out and ying fails to stay inside causing sweating. Now this is summarized as disharmony between ying and wei.