口琴曲:红河谷(Red River Valley)

口琴曲:红河谷(Red River Valley)

2017-08-12    04'29''

主播: 和文成化

261 7

背景: The Red River Valley is a region in central North America that is drained by the Red River of the North; it is part of both Canada and the United States.The Red River Valley is a region in central North America that is drained by the Red River of the North; it is part of both Canada and the United States. Forming the border between Minnesota and North Dakota when these territories were admitted as states in the United States, this fertile valley has been important to the economies of these states and to Manitoba, Canada. The population centers of Moorhead, Minnesota, Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota, and Winnipeg, Manitoba developed in the valley as settlement by ethnic Europeans increased in the late nineteenth century. Completion of major railroads, availability of cheap lands, and extinguishing of Indian land claims attracted many new settlers. Some developed large-scale agricultural operations known as bonanza farms, which concentrated on wheat commodity crops. Paleogeographic Lake Agassiz laid down the Red River Valley Silts. The valley was long an area of habitation by various indigenous cultures, including the historic Ojibwe and Métis peoples. The river flows north through a wide ancient lake plain to Lake Winnpeg. The geography and seasonal conditions can produce devastating floods, with several recorded since the mid-20th century. 歌词: from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile for they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a while come and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieu but remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true from this valley they say you are going we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile for they say you are taking the sunshine that has brightened our path for a while come and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to bid me adieu but remember the red river valley and the cowboy who loved you so true 苏小明 - 红河谷(加拿大民歌) 范继淹译配 ----- 人们说,你就要离开村庄, 我们将怀念你的微笑。 你的眼睛比太阳更明亮, 照耀在我们的心上。 -- 走过来坐在我的身旁, 不要离别的这样匆忙; 要记住红河谷你的故乡, 还有那热爱你的姑娘。 --- 人们说,你就要离开村庄, 要离开热爱你的姑娘。 为什么不和她同去, 为什么把她留在村庄。 ------ 啦。。。。。