

2015-04-02    02'19''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

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更多内容,请关注我们今日的微信,搜索:英语环球 NEWSPlus Developed as a positive form of exercise, Chinese square-dancing is generally groups of older women dancing in open spaces to loud music and strong drum beats. It has sparked heated debates online. Complaints over the noisy music and even pictures of Chinese grannies occupying sites such as New York's Sunset Park and the square in front of the Louvre in Paris have made headlines overseas. To regulate and promote square-dancing, the Ministry of Culture and the General Administration of Sports have collectively introduced a set of square-dancing drills. The 12 drills have been created and designed by a panel of dancers and fitness trainers. They will be introduced to local fitness sites in China’s 31 provinces and municipalities in the next five months. However, the authorities have not yet worked out detailed standards for square-dancing, such as the recommended volume of music, permissible time for practice and prohibited sites for dancing. Chinese square-dancing n. 广场舞 由于广场舞极具中国特色,所以有必要加上Chinese。光说square-dancing,英语为母语者容易产生误解,因为对他们来说,square dance/dancing是方块舞,一种非常古老的美国民族舞蹈。 Sunset Park n. 日落公园 位于纽约布鲁克林的一个地区。该地区的居民主要是波多黎各裔、墨西哥裔和华裔。早在2013年8月,中国大妈就曾因为在日落公园跳广场舞过于吵闹而被警方带走。 Louvre n. 卢浮宫 世界三大博物馆之一,同时也是法国最大的王宫建筑之一,位于首都巴黎塞纳河畔、巴黎歌剧院广场南侧。该宫始建于1204年,以收藏丰富的古典绘画和雕刻而闻名于世。它的整体建筑呈“U”形,占地面积为24公顷,建筑物占地面积为4.8公顷。共分希腊罗马艺术馆、埃及艺术馆、东方艺术馆、绘画馆、雕刻馆和装饰艺术馆6个部分。 make (the) headlines v. 上头条,成为新闻头条 the可以省略,make也可以用hit、grab等词替代。 例句: If you are Chinese, chances are you know that “Poor Wang Feng fails to make headlines yet again!” joke well. (如果你是中国人,相信你十有八九对“汪峰又上不了头条”的笑话颇为熟悉。) Sure, the scandal will hurt your image temporarily. But as soon as the next natural disaster hits the headlines, people will forget all about it. Trust me. (没错,这则丑闻会暂时让你的形象受损。但等到下一场天灾上了头条,大家就会忘记你那点破事了。相信我。) Ministry of Culture n. 文化部 我国文化行政的最高机构。是国务院负责文化、艺术事业的组成部门,也是我国成立最早并一直保留至今的政府部门之一。 General Administration of Sports n. 国家体育总局 1952年11月15日,中央人民政府委员会第19次会议通过成立中央人民政府体育运动委员会,并任命贺龙为中央人民政府体育运动委员会主任。1954年改名为“中华人民共和国体育运动委员会”,1998年改组为“国家体育总局”。中央体委、国家体委及后来的国家体育总局都致力于“发展体育运动,增强人民体质”,在普及群众体育的同时,大力发展竞技体育。 drill n. 操练,训练,演习 这里的12 drills指的就是12套不同的广场舞编排。 permissible adj. 可允许的,不碍事的 对应prohibited,禁止的,不允许的