

2016-04-08    01'23''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,624个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! Host:Now, Aaron, you have a lot of fans. 主持人: 我说,亚伦, 你有好多铁粉啊 Huge huge loyal fans. But is this true? 大大的死忠粉,但这是真的吗 Now we could be talking about someone of these (crazy) loyal fans there. 那我们聊的可能就是他们这些(疯狂)死忠粉中的几位 Because...No, you are not crazy at all. 因为......不,你们一点儿也不疯 Aaron:yeah, hahha 亚伦:是的, 哈哈 Host: Because it is true that you have some fans who crashed your wedding? 主持人:因为......这是真的么?有几位粉丝不请自来参加了你的婚礼? Aaron:yeah 亚伦:是的 Host: what happended? 主持人:真哒? 咋回事儿? Aaron:yeah, we have 3 people crashed our wedding. We didn't know it happended, untill we started looking through photos of our wedding. And we saw these 3 strangers...We are like... who are these people? We had a 1920s parisan carnival wedding, so it was very themed, and these people were just in basic wedding attire. And...I am like...They just stood out like sore thumb. But...one...this one girl,alomst caught Lauren's bouquet. 亚伦:是的,有三个人不请自来地参加了婚礼。我们当时都不知道,直到我们看婚礼照片的时候才发现。然后发现这三个陌生人......我们就懵圈了。 心想:这谁啊?我们婚礼办成了20年代巴黎狂欢节风, 所以主题性很强。但是这些人就穿了基本的婚礼服装。 所以我这一瞅,他们还挺格格不入。但是其中一个,有个女生,差点抢到新娘花束。 Host:No? 主持人: 不是吧? Aaron: Yes. She dove for it, violently dove, you could tell on her face that she was going to get it. But she didn't get it. She was close. Yeah... she was like I will kill you. Uhm...But I am like who are these people? 亚伦:真的。 她鱼跃起来抢,特别拼,你可以从她的面部表情看出来,她特努力在抢。 不过她没抢到, 差一点。对, 她是那种谁挡杀谁的抢法。对.......但是, 我还没琢磨明白这些人到底是谁? Host: Yeah.And you still don't know who are they? 主持人:对呀。 那你现在仍然不知道他们到底是谁吗? Aaron: Yeah. 亚伦:对啊。 Host: They haven't made themselves known to you on Twitter or anything? 主持人:他们没在推特或者别的什么地方告诉你吗? Aaron: No. Not at all. 亚伦:没有耶。 Host: Well, they are here tonight. I am joking. I am kidding. 主持人:其实, 他们今天来到现场了。我开玩笑的,我逗你玩儿呢。