

2016-05-12    04'52''

主播: 海学英语口语

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学更多地道英语口语,关注公众微信【英语口语】微信号:kouyu8,如果想系统学习提高英语口语发音,语调,可以报名吉米老师美式音标特训班,英语零基础一样可以学习哦!百度传课网chuanke.com 搜索:听力口语特训班,看到第一个即可报名,630个同学报名啦,100%好评哦! 不给糖就捣乱! Trick or treat! 我早就告诉我你了,复仇者 I told you, there' s no way 万圣节是不可能在家的 the Avengers are gonna be home on Halloween. 怎么会?他们的灯都亮着呢。 What do you mean? Their lights are on. 谁想要点儿糖? Who wants some candy? 太棒了,是浩克!我要! Awesome,it' s Hulk! I do! 不行,浩克,这次该轮到我派糖了。 Nay, Hulk, it is my turn to bestow the candy. 喂,托尔,这次明明该轮到我了。啊? Actually, Thor, it's my turn. Huh? 每次都应该让我来派才对。 It' s always my turn. 往我这边打! Hit me! 我的技术也不全是用来干掉坏人的。 Not all my tech' s about taking out bad guys. 嘿,浩克,我和你现在并列第一。 Hey,Hulk, you and I are tied for the lead. 我简直都有好几个世纪没看到 It has been ages since a young one 有孩子装扮成雷神了 has come dressed as the mighty Thor. 呃……不就那么20分钟嘛 Um...Actually like 20 minutes. 复仇者…… Avengers... 奇异博士! Doctor Stranger! 很抱歉我突然出现 I apologize for my appearance. 万圣节向来多麻烦事 Halloween is always a busy night, 但今年的麻烦多的让我有点应接不暇 but this year the threats are coming faster than ever. 我自己应付不过来 I can' t keep up. 噢,真是出乎意料啊 Oh, interesting. 至尊法师 The Sorcerer Supreme. 专门对付魔法产物的地球守护者 Protecter of Earth against mystical threats. 大名鼎鼎的法术大师竟然需要我的帮忙 Mr.Magic needs my help. 你也许能帮得上忙 I might find it of some assistance. 多玛姆正在我们城市的各处不断放出 Dormammu has been unleashing his mindless ones 无心人和飞翔恶魔 and flying demons across the city. 而且他的攻势越来越猛烈 And his attacks are only intensifying. 别告诉我,让我猜猜看... Don' t tell me. Let me guess... 那些就是无心人和飞翔恶魔吧 Mindless ones and flying demons. 所以,复仇者,你们愿意和我一起战斗吗? So, Avengers, will you join me in this fight? 荣幸之极 It will be my pleasure. 孩子们,快回家去吧,接下来的事儿你们还是别看的好 Kids, go home. Things are about to get ugly. 真实的,他们连 And they didn' t even say, “不给糖就捣乱”都没说 "Trick or treat." 嘿,浩克可不是食物! Hey, Hulk aren' t food! 这些怪物对上我的锤子根本不堪一击。 These monsters are no match for my hammer. 对上我的气化术也一样! Nor are they a match for the Vapor of Valtorr! 我们也不好吃! And we don' t taste good either! 砸魔怪可真好玩 Magic staff is fun to smash. 我暂时没能量了 My power are depleted for now. 那就让我们来干我们最擅长的吧, Then let us do what we do best. 我最擅长的自然是用科技产品了 And what I do best is science. 哈!你就在那躺着吧 Ha! And stay down. 滚开吧,畜生! Fly away, brute! 我们必须把他们撵回黑暗维度里去 We must send them back to the Dark Dimension. 要是我能聚集足够的能量开个通道出来... If I can generate enough power to create a portal... 雷神之锤,过来! Mjolnir, to me! 快,我们得赶紧把他们扔到通道里去 Hurry!Push them. 通道很快就要变的不稳定了。 into the portal before it loses stability, 快进去!搞定! Go on! Get! 这些损失就算你头上了吧? I guess I' ll send you the bill for the damage? 恐怕还有更多敌人会来 I am afraid there' s more to come. 这到底是怎么一回事儿啊? What is it? 事情还远远没有结束 It's far from over. 跟我来。 Come with me. 我能感知到这里有一股强烈的危险气息 I sense a great and powerful danger here. 好吧,你说有就有。 Okay. If you say so. 哈!终于有了!现在我们每人都多了一分。 Ha! Finally! One more for each of us. 还好惊奇队长没一起玩 Good thing Captain Marvel' s not playing. 惊奇队长之力!哈! Captain Marvel power!Woo! 你们到底知不知道现在形势有多严峻? Do I have to remind you how serious this situation is? 我们得立刻找到无心人 We need to find the Mindless Ones now. 他们可能在任何地...就在那呢 They could be anyw...Found them.