冬冬原创:As Crazy as Crazy Can Be 要多疯狂有多疯狂

冬冬原创:As Crazy as Crazy Can Be 要多疯狂有多疯狂

2016-10-24    03'04''

主播: Max冬冬

1239 38

As Crazy as Crazy Can Be A normal Monday morning, As boring as any old Monday, I got on the floor, Then walked to the door, Not expecting a fun-day. I was holding the door-knob, When I suddenly saw The knob was shaped like A golden shiny bike, Just like the one I always wanted, which was big and tall. I shook my head, “I must be daydreaming!” I’ve experienced many a similar case! But when I looked on the shelf, I cried,” It’s an elf!” It was sitting on my books and was smashing a vase! I yelled, “Shoo! Shoo! I just cannot stand An elf in my room!” This day was filling with gloom And the situation’s getting out of hand! I quickly ran out of my room, Down to the kitchen I went. Inside I did peer, And I trembled with fear. In the kitchen, all the bent things were straight and all the straight things bent! This day was starting to get wackier every second, And I was pretty sure something’s not right. “I’ll fix all the things, No matter what trouble it brings, Even if I have to put up a fight!” So I got right to work, I acted before I talked. At the school I arrived, With my mighty stride, I found that the gate of the school was locked! I went away slowly, And when I reached the traffic signal, I was shocked. All the roads were closed for a day, Each and every way. Every road in the city was blocked! I roared in frustration, It was the craziest day there was! So quick as a flash, In my mind a plan did dash. I did what every wise guy does. I pinched myself hard, And, friend, you’d doubt it! I didn’t feel a thing, Not the slight sting of pain, It was a dream and I knew not to worry about it. Soon I was wide awake. I thought: I can relax. It’s Sunday! But I was wrong, Sunday was gone, “You’re late!” said Mom. “Did you forget that today is Monday?” 那是一个普通的星期一的早上, 和别的星期一没什么两样。 我下了床,来到地上, 接着朝卧室的门口走去, 心想,这个星期一一定还会十分无趣。 手抓着门把手, 猛地一瞅, 那门把手的形状 活像一辆金灿灿的自行车, 那是我心仪已久的自行车,又高又大的模样。 我摇了摇头:“我一定是在做梦!” 我又不是第一次经历这样的情形。 我看了一眼书架, 不禁喊道:“我看到一个小精灵!” 它正坐在我的书上,用力击打一个花瓶。 “去!去!”我再次喊道。 “卧室里有个小精灵, 我可真的受不了!” 这一天开始蒙上了阴影。 而且,情形也完全超出想象。 我快速离开卧室, 匆匆来到厨房。 我往里面一瞅, 浑身开始发抖。 原来直溜的东西变得弯弯的,弯弯的东西变得很直溜。 这一天开始变得越来越离奇, 一定是出了什么岔子,这个我一点也不怀疑。 “我要着手解决这一个个麻烦, 哪怕有重重困难! 哪怕是非要‘决一死战’!” 说干就干, 毫不迟疑。 我大步流星地 赶往学校。 不料,学校的大门也是紧闭! 我慢慢地离开校门, 来到红绿灯前,顿时又惊讶不已。 所有的道路当天都已封闭。 所有的道路,没有例外, 对,城里的道路全都封闭。 我非常失望,大吼一声, 这是最疯狂的一天,真真正正! 于是,一个念头 像闪电般在我脑海里闪过。 我要像贤人那样,对,马上就做! 我猛掐自己一下。 朋友,你可能有点不信, 我一点感觉没有, 疼痛的感觉?那你得去问别人。 这不过是一个梦,大可不必牢记心头。 很快,我真的完全醒来。 这下可以好好放松了,心想,今天是星期天。 可是我大错特错。 星期天昨天刚过。 “你迟到了。忘了今天是星期一?”妈妈这样对我说。